1. @starfirego

    OH YEAH Baby !!

    Using sound cloud to day for my best oh yeah!! It came out pretty terrible I think because I have a speech problem and sometimes my words come out kind of slurred or rather just smushed together. I like these fun exercises they give perspective and display creativity. My low key OH YEAH!! https://t.co/Rp2aQdHxdG@ds106dc #tdc1641 […]
  2. @kerauch8


    OHHH YEAAHHHHH!!!! What a fun daily create that got us using some audio! #dailycreate #tdc1641 Ohhhhhh yeaaahhhhhhh https://t.co/ABMwjfykq2 @ds106dc — Katie Rauchwarg (@kerauch8) July 7, 2016 Go ahead and listen directly here and check out my so...
  3. @byernatalie


    I tackled “Ghost Stories” from RadioLab, a program I had never really heard of, because, well…I love ghosts. Never seen one, but I’m remaining optimistic. Anyway, on to the show. RadioLab was vastly different than the This American Life because of their use of sound effects and their introduction. They began by basically telling the audience what they … Continue reading Spoopy
  4. @byernatalie


    @ds106dc #tdc1641 #ds106 *bursts through the wall in your house* https://t.co/8yHbgBRdvV — Natalie Beyer (@byernatalie) July 6, 2016 I’ve been watching Family Guy for years now and one of my favorite recurring jokes of theirs is the Kool-Aid Man bursting through the wall. Every time a character says, “Oh no!” the Kool-Aid Man bursts through … Continue reading 07-06-16
  5. @starfirego

    Writer’s of Audio Storytelling in Action

    I can really tell this week is going to be I will never forget. Already, there has been some good advice given about writing in general. This comes from a famous Audio storytellers Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad. I Learned more from Ira Glass then I did from Jad Abumrad. Both storytellers though have a similar […]
  6. @starfirego

    Glitz Then….Glitz Forever

    I think that I have looked better with time. Today’s Daily Create to us back to the past we created the future.  I chose to do a picture that I had taken at Mountain View (A Highschool that was new at the time). I was not able to go their on short notice but I did […]
  7. @byernatalie


    #ds106#dailycreate#tdc1640@ds106dc Never leave me alone with red lipstick 💄pic.twitter.com/YCBaz1oerx — Natalie Beyer (@byernatalie) July 5, 2016 I have always loved this photo of me because I think it encapsulates the beginning of my love for makeup. I remember always watching my mother put on her makeup and I wanted nothing more than to have my … Continue reading 07-05-16
  8. @kerauch8

    Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad Reflection

    I listened to Ira Glass on Storytelling parts 1, 2 and 3. One major building block he emphasizes is anecdote. He describes this as a sequence of events and how stories should be told. I thought a really interesting point he makes is that even if you are telling “the most boring story in the world”, when […]
  9. @kerauch8


    #dailycreate YoungMeNowMe ft. my little sister as well! @ds106dc #ds106 #tdc1640 pic.twitter.com/f5n35EqQGE — Katie Rauchwarg (@kerauch8) July 5, 2016 As I was searching for a young me photo to do this gem came up! At least my sister doesn’t seem as scared of the river anymore…
  10. @sguptaauthor


    Yesterday (happy belated July 4th!) I started my week off by reading the Summer Week 3 work for DS106, and coming across this unfamiliar term: nuggest. The internet was no help, so perplexed, I tweeted Professor Polack: @youcanimagethis What is a "nuggest"? Saw it on Summer Week 3, https://t.co/a93B2uk9qA. Confused. Thanks. — s. gupta (@sguptaauthor) July … Continue reading Nuggest?
  11. @taractaonline

    Your very own spubble


    Assignment details at: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/your-very-own-spubble/ This is photo of me from one my travels. I am not that much of a travelling person and do not enjoy travelling a lot. But in this photo you can see that I am happy and enjoying. Actually I met one of my childhood friend after a long time in … Continue reading Your very own spubble

    The post Your very own spubble appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  12. @taractaonline

    Gaga on heaven’s gate


    Assignment details available at: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/pop-star-out-of-place/ Lady Gaga is one of the best and fascinating pop star of the present times. She has been has come up with unique song videos. These videos provide the lyrics a unique meaning which are really different than the literal meaning in my opinion. I designed this image with Photoshop. … Continue reading Gaga on heaven’s gate

    The post Gaga on heaven’s gate appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  13. @taractaonline

    Messy retires


    Assignment details available at: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/sports-poster-2/ Messi has been one of the greatest football player. He has been representing his country, Argentina, for many years.  He has announced that he is going to retire from international football. I am not in favor of this decision as I believe that he is still too young to retire. … Continue reading Messy retires

    The post Messy retires appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  14. @taractaonline

    Is marijuana really bad?


    Assignment details available at: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/legalisation/ I am not someone who like to enjoy all the times but I am also not a boring person who hates to enjoy. The main idea behind choosing this image is that marijuana is not a bad thing in itself. What makes it bad is its misuse. Therefore I am … Continue reading Is marijuana really bad?

    The post Is marijuana really bad? appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  15. @taractaonline

    Can Cats Teach?


    Assignment details can be found on the following page: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/bring-your-pet-to-school/ I designed this image with the help of Photoshop. Photoshop is one of my favorite photo editing tools. I am not that expert in it but still I know my way around it.  Here is my story that goes with this photo. I have designed … Continue reading Can Cats Teach?

    The post Can Cats Teach? appeared first on TaractarOnline.

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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