1. @sguptaauthor

    Whining about Wanderlust, Part II: Its My Philosophy!

    For 2.5 stars, I decided to do the “Minimalize Your Philosophy” Design Assignment. As per usual, I utilized Drawings in Google Drive. But since this assignment was relatively easy, this time I took more screenshots than ever before. I almost considered turning them into a gif for the benefit of the internet.  Hopefully they will … Continue reading Whining about Wanderlust, Part II: Its My Philosophy!
  2. @kerauch8

    Week 2 Done!

    This week was equally informative and difficult for me. As I was able to do bits and pieces of the assignments all week, I did have to complete a large amount of the work on Sunday. With the 1st being Friday, this weekend was taken up by my move across town. Let me just say, you […]
  3. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Week Two: Check.

    Wow, this week was intense, and I only see it getting harder from here. I spent a good portion of this week trying to just make last weeks additions fit in better, I re-titled things, organized them better, and made sure things were all going smoothly. I feel that this week I made a really […]
  4. @sguptaauthor

    Designers Dystopia

    Inspired by the excess of whining in the Vignelli Canon, as discussed in my recent post reflecting on the reading, I decided to do a funny take on the Animated GIF assignment Splain That Dystopia In Six Slides, for 3 stars. A funny take with a point though: we can’t take design TOO seriously. People still need to read. … Continue reading Designers Dystopia
  5. @kerauch8

    Design Blitz

    For this weeks Design Blitz assignment, I learned a lot about the elements of design. Starting this weeks assignment off, Vignelli’s piece was very informative and helpful when it came to the design blitz. Before I go into detail on my photos from this week, I want to describe some of the resources I enjoyed the […]
  6. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Trampled by Turtles

    For this GIF assignment I was to make a GIF with one of my favorite musicians. I have no idea how to embed that onto here, so you can find the GIF I made here. The assignment link is here Steps: Google how to make a GIF because the link on the week 2 page […]
  7. @taractaonline


    Unity While this picture is simple in its content, I liked to take it because of the shapes where everything is in rectangular shape. The unity appears between every row of the tea bags, and the rectangular shape of the teabags themselves, unifying everything into one big rectangular shape box. Intentionally, I took the image … Continue reading DesignBlitz
  8. @WalrusQueenAbby

    My Photosplosion

      This project was really interesting to me, it definitely made me look at things a lot harder than I normally would have, but also made me think of the signs and products I see day to day more critically.
  9. @RichBarnes106

    DS106 Weekly Summary 2

    Week two is over in DS106 and I think it went better than last week. Except for the reading assignments (I’m not much for reading) I enjoyed everything in week 2, especially making our own gifs. It’s been many years since I last made a gif so it was refreshing to revisit an old friend. […]
  10. @sguptaauthor

    My first gif!

    I didn’t quite understand what a gif was until earlier this week, but even then, I felt intimidated by the gif assignments. I clicked on the link to a good example of the assignment I wanted to do, but I ended up finding another assignment (no idea how that happened) that sounds even better. For 3.5 stars, … Continue reading My first gif!
  11. @taractaonline

    Week 2 Summary

    This week has been excruciating for me as my blog had been down due to some technical issues. I was trying to keep up with the week 2 assignments and have luckily completed all of them. The process was really great opportunity for me to learn about the basics of designing, playing with digital storytelling … Continue reading Week 2 Summary
  12. @taractaonline

    Animals having fun

    Assignment details are available at the following link: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/animals-doing-funny-things/ Well different animals have their own way of laughing. In the GIF Animation I have tried to look into the animal world and find out how they laugh at humans. I gathered different images of animals laughing and converted them to let humans know that animals … Continue reading Animals having fun
  13. @starfirego


    This week has been very challenging School wise and personally. I am going to just throw it out into the universe !! I was evicted from my room I was renting because the people I was renting from decided the wanted a kid. I am not sure why they thought it was necessary to evict a college […]
  14. @kerauch8

    Cartoon-ify!: 2 Stars

    The link to the whole assignment can be found here. The goal of this assignment is to choose any subject you want and replace the head with a cartoon head. For this assignment, I decided to replace the heads of my friend and I with animals. The original picture is shown above and shows the normal […]
  15. @kerauch8

    Valentines Card: 2 Stars

    The link for the full assignment can be found here. The goal of this assignment is to create a cheesy valentines card directed at a specific person. For this assignment it says to create a valentines card for a specific person. Who better to make a card for than yourself? If I had to be given […]
  16. @taractaonline

    Logo contest | Sand Bath Logo

      Assignment details are available at: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/create-your-own-logo/ Logo contest is a brilliant idea. It has helped me think about different business ideas and who should these businesses be represented. I am from a desert continent so desert is kind of in my blood. I was thinking of different options and came up with this ides … Continue reading Logo contest | Sand Bath Logo
  17. @taractaonline

    Missing Poster

    Assignment details are available at: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/missing-person/ In the movies Hangover series, Alen has never been missing. But the fact is that he has always been the cause of anyone else missing. He is funny and the movie would not be as funny as it is because of him. The main reason for my poster featuring … Continue reading Missing Poster
  18. @kerauch8

    One Story/ Four Icons: 3 Stars

    The link to the full assignment is listed here. The goal of this assignment is to reduce any story, movie, or event to four symbols to help readers identify it. This week has led to many assignments and daily creates based on movies and TV shows and I am loving it!!! For this assignment, I decided […]
  19. @paceamorebella

    Weekly Summary 2

      The second week of Digital Storytelling was fun but challenging for me. I really found all of the topics extremely helpful and rich in credible information. The requirements this week did not stress me out as bad because I gradually got over the initial shock and learned more about the subjects and the flow of […]
  20. @kerauch8

    Change of Scenery: 5 Stars

    The full assignment description can be found here. The end goal for this assignment is to place characters into a different setting than the original image. For this assignment, I created an image of a pet store with different animals in the parking lot outside.  this original image then turned into  These poor animals have been […]
  21. @taractaonline

    Are we there yet?

    The assignment details can be found on the link bellow. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/are-we-there-yet/ There were many ideas floating in my mind. I processed a few ideas in my mind like taking myself inside the sea from a shopping mall, getting in to a lion’s cade in a zoo etc. Then I decided that I had my graduation … Continue reading Are we there yet?

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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