1. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Looking awfully tusk-y today

    For this assignment I was to design my own tshirt. Since I love walruses so much, the choice was simple! I loved the color of the walrus painting I found and decided that if I were to make a shirt I would probably want that on it, with just a silly sentence for fun. The […]
  2. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Such a Lovely Place, Such a Lovely Face

    For this assignment the directions were to take a picture of a 70’s rock band, take a quote from a different 70’s rock band, state that the quote was from yet another different 70’s rock band, and then create a picture displaying it. For mine I took a picture of Led Zeppelin, a quote from […]
  3. @RichBarnes106

    Visual Assignment Week 2 #4 (2 Stars)

    Thirteen years ago a man had a vision, that one day films will be made with no budget yet still be enjoyable. Over ten movies and a decade later, the movies have no budget but he is still working on that enjoyable part. It’s Whackbag Films, bad acting by good people! All your favorites can […]
  4. @RichBarnes106

    Visual Assignment Week 2 #3 (4.5 stars)

    The Magic Men (H2O, Fireball and The Shocker) have defeated Freddy, Jason and Chucky. Thor has his hammer Mjölnir back from The Doug. The Magic Men meet up with X-Ray who activates a transportation device and disappears. The group in shock yells “Wha Happened?” as their leader is now missing… The visual assignment was http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/movie-trading-cards/ worth 4.5 […]
  5. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Just Keep Swimming!

    For this assignment I was to make a venn diagram related to something in current pop culture, so I figured why not use characters from the newest follow up to Finding Nemo. I saw Finding Dory a few weeks ago and it was amazing, it made me cry, and it gave me all the feels. […]
  6. @RichBarnes106

    Visual Assignment Week 2 #2 (3 stars)

    Godzilla is the most powerful monster in the universe but he is trapped inside a human. Use your Poke-Power to transform Rich into the King of the Monsters, Godzilla! Godzilla has a fifty percent chance of destroying any Pokémon that stands in his way! The assignment was http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/pokemon-card/ worth three stars. I used http://www.mypokecard.com/en/ to create the […]
  7. @WalrusQueenAbby


    For this design assignment I was required to take a quote from a movie and overlay it onto a picture from the movie. I decided to do Harry Potter, mostly because the books and movies are the most inspirational and meaningful ones I have ever come across. The quote I chose was said by Dumbledore […]
  8. @RichBarnes106

    Visual Assignment Week 2 #1 (3 stars)

    It’s a bird, it’s a plane… it’s Super-Rich! One day this young man was just wearing a Superman hoody at a Christmas party, the next day that hoody gave him the ability to fly. Super-Rich uses his new powers to pose for photos while flying in the sky! The assignment was http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/are-we-there-yet/ and was worth 3 […]
  9. @sguptaauthor

    When the Daily Create becomes Extremely Relevant

      @ds106dc P.B.G. Hills = Pimmit Biker Gang Hills #tdc1636 — s. gupta (@sguptaauthor) July 1, 2016 I’m starting to feel like there’s an ongoing theme with the Daily Creates and our individual neighborhoods. Maybe its because we’re mostly home for summer in this session of Digital Storytelling. Then again, maybe its just today and yesterday’s … Continue reading When the Daily Create becomes Extremely Relevant
  10. @starfirego

    Chasing star’s

    Are we there yet? I think I really just did to many stars this week I think that I am actually seeing stars right now. This post is the 4 star challenge something like the bucket challenge I guess. For the “Challenge me” I decided to create a camp poster for this Visual Assignment (4 […]
  11. @tyler_gimple

    Create a T-Shirt

    The Iconoclast’s Favorite Shirt Create a t-shirt design assignment : 2.5 Stars What is a contrarian exactly? To me a contrarian means someone or something that defies common beliefs or practices. The official definition according to Google is “a person who opposes or rejects popular opinion, especially in stock exchange dealings.” The term originates from the … Continue reading Create a T-Shirt
  12. @tyler_gimple

    Favorite Movie Quote

    Expect Us Favorite Movie Quote Design Assignment : 2 Stars “People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people.”-Anonymous Throughout history humankind has struggled with power and especially the corruption of power. Estimations show that in the last century there have been 262 million deaths due to “democide,” a term … Continue reading Favorite Movie Quote
  13. @tyler_gimple

    Design Blitz

    Color: This is a photo of an advertisement of a local Italian Restaurant.According to Visual Impact Systems, the color red and yellow enhance appetite. It is no accident that this advertisement, which is located on the outside window so it is visible to everyone passing by, is primarily red and yellow. In fact, the entire … Continue reading Design Blitz
  14. @RichBarnes106


    I took two of my pictures at a martial arts studio in Stafford, the other two by my house in Fredericksburg. Not sure if I missed the mark but here we go! This a squirrel in my backyard eating something I can’t make out. I thought this would be a good example of dominance, which is […]
  15. @starfirego

    How People Travel In One Day!

    Another exciting adventure and another great fail, I don’t know I feel like I should have opened up with this famous quote from the newest Batman movie where the butler as Batman why do we fall. You know the seance where he goes  (Abert) Why do we fall master Bruce  (Batman) so we can pick […]
  16. @starfirego

    Rooting for the home Gif

    Gif’s…. now that is a situation …I am coming closer to the Idea that the Gif might be like the Home team , an easy win!! I ended up creating 3 total Gifs one for the Assignment  StrereoGif. ( 1 star), and one for today’s Assignment  “It is a Great Day For Sporting GIFs”  (1 star). As a […]
  17. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Vignelli Cannon(ball)

    I found that the Vignelli Canon was a very interesting read, the only problem being that I don’t have an extreme interest in how things are presented. Yeah, I can appreciate when things look good, and I enjoy the style and colors, and I can sit back and see how much work the creation of […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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