1. @sguptaauthor

    Answer to my Daily Create Riddle, and Backstory

    @ds106dc Circa Civil War, she went from belle to survivalist, w/ a tumultuous love life. Very popular film. #tdc1635 pic.twitter.com/HvVz1OntCV — s. gupta (@sguptaauthor) July 1, 2016 I thought this Daily Create needed its own post. I was intrigued to find that unlike most of the other Daily Creates we’ve had recently, it centers not … Continue reading Answer to my Daily Create Riddle, and Backstory
  2. @kerauch8


    #dc1635 Name that movie! Link in my bio to my blog to see the answer! #dailycreate @ds106dc pic.twitter.com/iVL467Z5nu — Katie Rauchwarg (@kerauch8) July 1, 2016 Now this has to be one of my all time favorite movies! I remember the first time I watched it with my cousins and we set up a projector onto […]
  3. @byernatalie

    Is Pepsi Okay?

    I picked this assignment because I happen to be a waitress and the diner that I work at happens to only sell Pepsi products. Don’t get me wrong, Pepsi isn’t bad or anything. But, I definitely prefer my beloved Diet Coke to Diet Pepsi. It’s nothing personal, it’s just preference. It really comes down to the … Continue reading Is Pepsi Okay?
  4. @byernatalie

    Don’t Put Baby In A Corner

    pic.twitter.com/alSisneAyC — Natalie Beyer (@byernatalie) June 30, 2016 http://beyernatalie.tumblr.com/post/146720399754 I’ve put multiple ways/links to view my cinema mosaic because WordPress won’t let me insert it into my blog post This assignment was a lot more challenging than any other work I’ve done for DS106 so far. However, it was nice in how it was like … Continue reading Don’t Put Baby In A Corner
  5. @RichBarnes106

    Two animated Gifs DS106

    We had to create two animated gifs for DS106 this week. I used http://ezgif.com/video-to-gif to create both. The first one I picked was http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/subtitlegif/ . This is a short scene from a movie I filmed way back in 2005. The hero, Joey Green, takes a volleyball off his head. I instantly thought of this because my friends […]
  6. @RichBarnes106

    Week 2 – Thoughts/Ideas – Vignelli

    I have to say I found this an incredibly boring read. I am not saying the publication does not have its merits, someone who is writing a book or professionally online may find this very useful. I have no plans of ever doing either. I knew I was in trouble when two out of the […]
  7. @kerauch8


    #dailycreate #tdc1634 @ds106dc Couldn't resist making a story board of the Finding Dory trailer!!!!! pic.twitter.com/nHsZR0VtPw — Katie Rauchwarg (@kerauch8) June 29, 2016 Loving the themes of the Daily Creates this week! I’m really getting into all the movie action, maybe I’ll go see one this weekend. Finding Dory is a great way to “dive” back […]
  8. @byernatalie

    I’m Melting

    Are We There Yet Assignment If I didn’t believe in Global Warming before, there can be no doubt I believe in it now! These past few days have been sweltering…and that is coming from someone who has spent the majority of her life in high desert heat! This weather has been no joke and I’ve … Continue reading I’m Melting

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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