1. @RichBarnes106

    DS106 Weekly Summary 1

    Week one is over in DS106 and the week started off with frustration. A domain of my own constantly crashed on my PC and in error I signed up on the Mary Wash blogs. Luckily this site works and I’ve been able to blog all week. I feel like I did a good job completing the […]
  2. @kerauch8


    For my third and last Daily Create of the week, I created a classified add for the mystery machine! #ds106 #tdc1631 Machine for sale! In good condition, contact if interested. #dailycreate pic.twitter.com/ikpXHWMqTq — Katie Rauchwarg (@kerauch8) June 26, 2016 This 2001 John Deere farming equipment is up for grabs! This piece is hot and very […]
  3. @kerauch8

    Burgers For the Win!!!

    For my second visual assignment, I chose real life to cartoon collage. As i’m sitting here doing this assignment, I thought to myself what I really want to eat tonight. What great inspiration that was for my collage! I grabbed two pictures of cheeseburgers off of the internet. One is real and one is fake. There is […]
  4. @WalrusQueenAbby

    My Childhood Home!

    One of my childhood homes was in Troutdale, Oregon. I spent a few years in this cute little house with my mom. It was just a two block stroll from the cute and antique shop filled downtown part of Troutdale. #ds106 #dailycreate #tds1630 This is my childhood home. A modest 2br 1ba in Oregon. pic.twitter.com/YXBVUsNK6b […]
  5. @starfirego


    Hello, My Name is Adriel Brooks I am a senior at UMW. I am currently enrolled in the BLS program as a Leadership and Management  major. I really love Chickfila so I guess that means you guys will be seeing a lot of Chickfila related things. I just would Like to say Hello This is @Chickfilalove87 … Continue reading Introduction
  6. @RichBarnes106


    These are the assignments I did: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/car-lust/ I fell in love with this Lamborghini Countach the first time I saw one in the Cannonball Run. The car just makes me want to drive as fast as possible. Although the car is forty years old, it’s innovative design makes it look like  a modern day race […]
  7. @RichBarnes106

    Photo op Tip

    Pay Attention to the Moment: This is one that to this day I sometimes have trouble with when filming. I’m too focused on what is in front of me and there have been times where the script or a tripod have made it into a shot. Frustrating! That being said, I love the abstract photo […]
  8. @RichBarnes106

    Photo Safari

    PHOTO SAFARI Pictures are from the assignment, I ran around very fast so had some time to spare but didn’t want to shoot a re-do. I used my iPhone since I don’t have a camera anymore. I tried using some different perspectives then I normally would, especially with close-ups and some things out of focus. It […]
  9. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Spubble Me

    This was a fun one. I took a picture that I’ve had of myself since I was a teenager (I’m 24 now), I took a trip to Disneyworld when I was 15, and celebrated my 16th birthday on a Disney cruise with my (then) best friend, and our moms. I have always been a big […]
  10. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Smooth as Silk

    This visual assignment really caught my eye. I love patterns and repetition, but I also love colors and chaos. This program, WeaveSilk, is amazingly beautiful. You create your own mixture of colors and patterns to create something truly you. Any type of program that can make me feel completely relaxed and peaceful is a necessity […]
  11. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Hawkeye…My Superhero

    Hawkeye is my favorite person (dog) to spend time with. He is my 5.5 year old Treeing Walker Hound. He weighs a hefty 65lbs, and as you can see from the collage, he LOVES to sleep. This is my second visual assignment of the week, and I’m feeling really stressed out trying to get all […]
  12. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Can You See What I See?

    Well, this was an interesting visual assignment. With the requirement being, take an eye (this is my eye), and overlay something into it like a reflection, as well as no background in photo editing, I think I did a fairly decent job. I got my eye on some pizza, and some pizza…on my eye. My […]
  13. @paceamorebella

    Weekly Summary 1

    My first week in digital storytelling was exciting yet challenging. The beginning felt very overwhelming and intimidated me initially. However, once I got a better understanding of what was required and the assignments themselves, I felt better about completing the work. Unfortunately my grandmother passed away and the funeral was this week so I felt […]
  14. @paceamorebella

    Do Not Talk to Us!

    (Regina on left, me on right) This is my visual assignment for creating a Spubble. This was really fun to do! The reason I chose this photo and the captions is because of a reoccurring thing that always happens to my friends and I when we go out- we get approached by people we just […]
  15. @paceamorebella

    Are You Drunk or is it Lipstick?

    BLACKMAIL For this Visual Assignment, the main objective was to take a picture of something recognizable but manipulate the lighting and movement to make it unrecognizable. (You can find the original assignment here). I chose to do this assignment because since the photo safari assignment challenged me to utilize this technique, I have fallen in love with […]
  16. @paceamorebella

    That is NOT What I Expected!

    This is my first Visual Assignment. For this work, I had to take a close up picture of something and see if you all can guess what it is! Hint- I use this everyday when I am getting ready. This item usually sits out on my vanity and it completely one color. It can get […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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