1. @starfirego

    Daily Create # 3

    Finally made it to Daily Create #3 for week one. I spent a couple of hours on this trying to get it just right some times Photo Flexer can be a pain. #ds106 #dailycreate #tdc1629 Success Yes or No? Detroit, MI summer @ds106dc #tdc1629 #ds106 pic.tw...
  2. @paceamorebella

    Photo Safari

      <a data-flickr-embed=”true”  href=”https://www.flickr.com/gp/142805383@N08/G2VrQ5″ title=”Photo Safari”><img src=”https://c4.staticflickr.com/8/7326/27879561195_b602ecf85a.jpg” width=”375″ height=”500″ alt=”Photo Safari”></a><script async src=”//embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js” charset=”utf-8″></script>   I chose my bedroom to do my photo Safari. I initially thought it would be a great place to do this assignment because I have many different objects and textures in my room. However, this assignment was a lot harder […]
  3. @paceamorebella

    Tips for Photography

    The tip I chose to utilize for this assignment is: Create Depth: Look for ways to add dimension of visual depth in your 2 dimensional images- play with foreground, lines, use of wide angle lenses, use of dark backgrounds (How to Be a Better Photographer, suggestions from TEN: Ten Ways to Improve Your Craft. None of Them Involve […]
  4. @kerauch8

    Inside an Athletes Mind

    For my first visual assignment, I started with my very own spubble. I decided to give an insight into the mind of an athlete and show everyone what we are thinking at every moment (not literally). PUT ME IN COACH. Seems like such a simple phrase that can have an overpowering impact on athletes. Every day […]
  5. @byernatalie

    Movie Poster

    I chose this assignment because I love movie posters. I worked at a movie theater during my freshmen year and sometimes they would let us take home the movie posters after they were finished with them. I have about five or six of my favorite movies that played there in my closet currently. I picked … Continue reading Movie Poster
  6. @kerauch8

    Photo Safari

    I found this activity very entertaining. Feeling slightly rushed and motivated to complete as many of the tasks as possible in only 15 minutes made this assignment fun. I chose the kitchen to do my photo safari. I thought about all the appliances and utensils in there and figured I may be able to find […]
  7. @WalrusQueenAbby

    My Photoblitz Experience:

    First off, I chose to do this in my house, because it’s been nasty and rainy, and I didn’t think I wanted to take a picture of someone else’s feet in public. So I improvised. The experience was overall kind of stressful, I felt panicked trying to figure out what to take pictures of, or […]
  8. @kerauch8

    Becoming a Better Photographer

    One tip about photography that I messed around with this week was: LIGHTING! The tip given in the assignment is listed below: Look to the light. Probably the most key lesson- be aware of light that works and what does not. Knowing about shadows, directions, aiming for directions where light is strong (or not). Good light […]
  9. @tyler_gimple

    9 Lives

    Visual Assignment – 9 Lives In this assignment we were prompted to compile 9 photos of ourselves that displayed different stages of life. In my 9 lives assignment, I chose to use primarily pictures from my summer vacations over the years. I always had such great memories during summer break and they were definitely my favorite time … Continue reading 9 Lives
  10. @tyler_gimple

    Photo Safari

    I chose to do my photo safari primarily in the office, but also in the surrounding areas at my home in Charlottesville. The office is a room with dimensions about 15X20 feet. It has 4 computers, 5 desks, 10 windows, and lots and lots of books. It is relatively organized for an office, but has an assortment … Continue reading Photo Safari

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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