1. @tyler_gimple


    For my Spubble Assignment I chose to use a photo from the Running of the Bulls in Spain. The picture captures my reaction as well as the reaction of two Spanish children as we notice something happening on the streets. To be honest, I don’t remember exactly what we were looking at that caused me and … Continue reading Spubble
  2. @kerauch8

    Hello Everyone!!!

    Some of this info can be found on my blog in my about me but I wanted to introduce myself at the beginning of this post to anyone who hasn’t had a chance to read look at my page yet. My name is Katie, I am a senior here at UMW and i’m a member […]
  3. @tyler_gimple

    Story Map

    For the Story Map Visual Assignment I chose to chronicle my journey through Spain. I went to Spain two summers in a row and have highlighted the places I explored while in the Story Map Below. One of my new found passions is learning to speak Spanish. I recently discovered my love for the language … Continue reading Story Map
  4. @tyler_gimple

    Color Changer

    This visual assignment is the “Color Changer” assignment. It consists of changing the hue of a photo in order to change its appearance. I decided to use a photo I took of my house at my university with an incredible double rainbow in the background. I chose this photo because I had never seen such … Continue reading Color Changer
  5. @kerauch8


    Day 2 for this week’s Daily Create! I used this opportunity to try and construct my first Vimeo video. I have always used youtube so for this course I decided to make a Vimeo account in order to learn how to use different sites. I experimented with adding some music, which was surprisingly easy to figure out! […]
  6. @CieraCentral

    What I have learned so far…

    I have learned that my weak points are typically related to urls and sharing them. I have also learned that WordPress is huge and I should have had a full day just to explore where everything is and what everything does on here. I also found out that I am way more creative at night […]
  7. @starfirego

    Visual Assignments #1

    This was my first Visual  Assignment so it was more like an experiment I tried to read a  “Family Friendly Billboard” http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/family-friendly-billboards/ Even though I did not complete this Assignment I learned a lot from it. When I first saw the assignment I thought it was an super easy one. Turns out that I learn probably … Continue reading Visual Assignments #1
  8. @byernatalie

    Photo Safari

    I had some fun with the “Photo Safari” assignment. I chose to do it in my living room seeing as my dad travels a lot for work and keeps random objects around that he has gotten from other countries. This came as a challenge later on as I wasn’t sure where to find things whereas … Continue reading Photo Safari
  9. @byernatalie


    #ds106 #dailycreate #tdc1627 @ds106dc This might give me nightmares… pic.twitter.com/mPwgfa4RZA — Natalie Beyer (@byernatalie) June 22, 2016
  10. @kerauch8


    Hi All! I’m still trying to learn the ropes of blogging and setting up my blog but here is my first daily create! The daily create for today was to morph yourself into Jim Groom and here is my best shot… https://twitter.com/kerauch8/status/745724481495310337
  11. @byernatalie


    Daily Create: Writing left on the cutting room floor Mark Twain telling it like it is #tdc1626 #ds106 pic.twitter.com/6z1fX3z5ZF — Natalie Beyer (@byernatalie) June 22, 2016
  12. @sguptaauthor

    King of the Dogs

    My take (no pun intended) on the Selfie With Your Pet Assignment from the Digital Storytelling Assignment Bank  involves my gorgeous hunk of dog, Arthur. Originally he was named for the lovable aardvark Arthur from a children’s book and TV series of the same name. But almost every time I mention his name, someone suggests he must … Continue reading King of the Dogs

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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