1. @paceamorebella

    Welcome & A Few of My Favorite Things

    Hi everyone welcome to my blog! I am going to apologize in advance for those of you who might not find this the most intriguing or helpful blog, but I can assure you I will try my best to keep it interesting! I am an all-time girly girl. For many years, I have had a […]
  2. @sguptaauthor

    First Post

    I’m excited to be making my first post on this site. It was a long process to set up, and I wish there were more clear instructions for how to do it. But nevertheless its great to finally have things up and running. I’d say more, but first I want to see what things look like.
  3. @mgracelyn

    Fixing my creativity slump…proactively

    The first road to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. So here is my confession. I HAVE A PROBLEM! I HAVE NO MOTIVATION!! See this girl below? This is how I look like when I think about the mountain of work I have to do to catch up on my social media and […]
  4. @mgracelyn

    Bike ‘n Hike

    I was in a weird funk today. The best way to get out of a grumpy, self-entitled funk is to change one’s attitude. I  decided to – last minute – join a bunch of strangers on a bike ride and then a hike at Edworthy Park. This beautiful park was one of the casualties of […]
  5. @mgracelyn

    DIY: Ugly Sweater

    Tis the season to be tacky…fa la la la la! A big trend this holiday season is the ugly sweater (or as someone pointed out to me, it is also called a Christmas jumper). They are sold in stores ranging from $25 (Walmart) to about $50. If you’re in a hurry and have the money, […]
  6. @CieraCentral

    Example Blog Post

    This is a blog post. Blog posts can be journal entries, reflections, a piece feature piece, a short argumentative piece, an analysis, a small photo gallery, and much more. Blog posts by default can be categorized and tagged, meaning they can have taxonomy assigned to them. Using categories and tags will keep your blog posts … Continue reading Example Blog Post
  7. @taractaonline

    Example Blog Post

    This is a blog post. Blog posts can be journal entries, reflections, a piece feature piece, a short argumentative piece, an analysis, a small photo gallery, and much more. Blog posts by default can be categorized and tagged, meaning they can have taxonomy assigned to them. Using categories and tags will keep your blog posts […]
  8. @kerauch8

    Example Blog Post

    This is a blog post. Blog posts can be journal entries, reflections, a piece feature piece, a short argumentative piece, an analysis, a small photo gallery, and much more. Blog posts by default can be categorized and tagged, meaning they can have taxonomy assigned to them. Using categories and tags will keep your blog posts […]
  9. @WalrusQueenAbby

    Example Blog Post

    This is a blog post. Blog posts can be journal entries, reflections, a piece feature piece, a short argumentative piece, an analysis, a small photo gallery, and much more. Blog posts by default can be categorized and tagged, meaning they can have taxonomy assigned to them. Using categories and tags will keep your blog posts … Continue reading Example Blog Post
  10. @mgracelyn

    O’ Captain! My Captain!

    Today, I awoke to the news Robin Williams had died. Wishing for it to be a social media hoax, I waited for more developments on the story before commenting. With the confirmation via a statement made by his wife, Susan Schneider, this sombre Monday evening is now spent watching clips of his work and reading […]
  11. @mgracelyn

    Get to know your neighbourhood – Jane’s Walk

    In our day to day lives, we walk around in our community to get from one place or another without really knowing the history behind the buildings and streets. That’s where Jane’s Walk comes in. What started in Toronto in 2006 to commemorate the life of Jane Jacobs, an urbanist and activist who believed in […]
  12. @mgracelyn

    Postcrossing Haul – Feb 2/14

    Happy mailbox dance!! Six postcards including my very first mail from Turkey! Here are the cards in no particular order: The sender of this postcard from Germany is a lover of crime stories. This is the first time I’ve received a card like this and I’m quite intrigued by the metaphor shown in this picture! […]
  13. @mgracelyn

    Asian Celebration – Gastropost Mission

    Gong Hei Fat Choi 2014! Chinese New Years is celebrated pretty well in Filipino culture. Philippines has a lot of Chinese friends as China is  a close neighbour. See here for colorful pictures of this year’s celebrations. I missed out when I was living in the Philippines because there just weren’t any held in our […]
  14. @mgracelyn

    LetterMo Go! – A Month of Letters Challenge

    It’s February so let LetterMo commence! January’s Love Letters for Seniors project (Cards of Caring – Valentine’s Edition) is coming to an end. With one more week to go until Calgary Meals on Wheels’ deadline, the quota has been filled with extras thanks to the help of friends. For a week now, I have been […]
  15. @mgracelyn

    All Day Breakfast – Gastropost Mission

    Great surprise for Hump Day! I received a tweet saying my photo is in today’s (January 22, 2014) Calgary Herald – Gastropost section😀 I am so honored!! Last week’s mission was: My unexpected entry is this simple homemade Sunday Brunch meal that I “whipped out” at 2 pm in the afternoon. A bowl of rice, […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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