1. @sguptaauthor

    Looking out the Window

    I was inspired by the Time of Day visual assignment to make this piece for my story. embed To make it, I first took several pictures from my window, just like the protagonist of my story painted. Then I applied a filter to make the photos look like paintings.
  2. @sguptaauthor

    Soundtrack of the Mind

    I combined the audio assignments Sound Effects and Poetry Reading, which respectively say: This is a short and simple assignment. Most everyone uses freesound for various audio assignments, but sometimes, you cannot find quite what you are looking for. This assignment is to upload your own sound or sound effect to freesound, preferably something which is lacking. and: Poetry … Continue reading Soundtrack of the Mind
  3. @sguptaauthor

    A Little Slice of the Starry Night

    Using Vincent Van Gogh’s famous painting The Starry Night, I did the visual assignment Adapt an Artist’s Work for my final project story. The assignment asks us to: Adapt a famous artist’s work to change or reinforce its possible message. Here’s what I did: I incorporated it partly because I couldn’t photograph the moon in the right phase on such … Continue reading A Little Slice of the Starry Night
  4. @kerauch8

    Our 5th and Final Week!

    Well, this course has finally come to an end. Some much time and effort was put into this class in assignments, daily creates, and various readings or videos. We were given such an extensive list of resources for every topic we covered and could go in depth as we wanted to. I learned so much […]
  5. @kerauch8

    Everything I Learned and More

    To start off I want to go into more detail about my final project and the pieces that put it together. I chose 5 assignments out of the assignment bank to weave together and create a story. Visual Assignments: My final story contained 2 visual assignments. The first one I create was the picture of […]
  6. @kerauch8

    The Journey to UMW

    There are many different stages in life that can cause so many emotions all at once. Emotions like stress, happiness, sadness, nervousness, joy, enthusiasm, or anger. You can’t choose to feel all of these emotions but you can choose which ones you let affect you. That’s what she decided to do. It was her senior […]
  7. @RichBarnes106

    DS106 Week 5 Summary, The End is Here

    DS106 is over and this is my final summary. I will start off by sharing my final project and each tutorial I did for the six parts of my final project which were visual, audio, GIF, video, audio and video. The total assignment difficulty was 24.5 stars. The final project and the tutorials: DS106 Final […]
  8. @RichBarnes106

    Final Project Tutorial 6

    The assignment was Alternate Ending worth 5 stars. This was the hardest part of my final project for two reasons: I was shooting with inanimate objects by myself and it was hot as heck outside when filming. The original scene I picked was from Terminator 2 and it can be seen below. Watch up to 2:20 […]
  9. @RichBarnes106

    Final Project Tutorial 5

    The assignment was Soundboard Conversation worth 4.5 stars. This was a blast because I got my Ewok to call Arnold Schwarzenegger!! I rehearsed what I was going to say about 7-8 times and used the soundboard found here: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/soundboards/arnold-schwarzenegger-soundboard-4/1879/. It has most of Arnold’s most important sayings. I just kept clicking away until I got a […]
  10. @paceamorebella

    My Conclusion to DS106

    Digital Storytelling has been a challenging yet enjoyable class. When I first started, I was extremely nervous because I did not really know what to expect. Getting my foot into this realm was honestly the most challenging part of the class for me and the most time-comsuming. However, I dredged through the tough parts and […]
  11. @RichBarnes106

    Final Project Tutorial 4

    The assignment was Character description worth 4.5 stars. I then went random and said whatever came to mind. This little Ewok has been in quite a few movies and I needed his dialogue to be all over the place to stay in character. I had a general idea of topics to hit but wanted things to […]
  12. @RichBarnes106

    Final Project Tutorial 3

    The assignment was Subtitle a GIF worth 4 stars. I took a short video of Yub the Ewok with my Sony Camcorder jumping and then added the video to Windows Movie Maker. I then clicked the caption button (under home) to add my subtitle. The text tools you see here allow you to change your font, the text […]
  13. @RichBarnes106

    Final Project Tutorial 2

    The assignment was Create your theme song worth 4.5 stars. I love recording music with good old CoolEdit96. So old but easy and free. I started off recording the two guitar parts first. I used a Les Paul guitar and for effects a Bose Metal Zone pedal. Here are both guitar parts. I then used a […]
  14. @RichBarnes106

    Final Project Tutorial 1

    The assignment was Create-a-silly-movie-poster. I created this assignment as there was nothing that matched what I needed for my final project in regards to a movie poster. I rated it as a two star difficulty. This is the original: (from http://keyartdesigns.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/the-terminator-movie-poster-1020189580.jpg). I cropped the photo in paint and hand wrote in the words. I wanted […]
  15. @kerauch8

    The Sound of Getting into College

    The full assignment is linked and listed in its entirety below: This is a short and simple assignment. Most everyone uses freesound for various audio assignments, but sometimes, you cannot find quite what you are looking for. This assignment is to upload your own sound or sound effect to freesound, preferably something which is lacking. This assignment […]
  16. @kerauch8

    Take a trip to UMW

    The full assignment is linked and listed in its entirety below: Where is somewhere that you have always dreamed of going? I really like travelling, and I often think about where I would go if I had all the money in the world. Do a video montage of images and/or video of the places that you would […]
  17. @kerauch8

    10 Step Collage

    The full assignment is linked and listed in its entirety below: Take ten steps in any direction and with each step take one photo. Think about angles and lighting to create interesting photographs. Don’t forget the Rule of Thirds! Create a collage in a photo editor. This assignment is worth 3 stars. The first step in this […]
  18. @taractaonline

    How to Design a Story Poster with Adobe Photoshop


    Please click here for assignment page Assignment Stars: 4.2 I chose this assignment because it served my need for the poster I wanted to have on my story. I took several pictures of different dinosaur toys. For this assignment I knew that I have use the magic wand tool in the Photoshop that is helps … Continue reading How to Design a Story Poster with Adobe Photoshop

    The post How to Design a Story Poster with Adobe Photoshop appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  19. @paceamorebella

    Creating a Collage!

    For this Visual Assignment, the objective is to create a collage of your favorite vacation pictures or destinations. The assignment is worth 3 stars. To create this collage, I used the website Be Funky.  Once you get to the website, click “create collage” at the top of the page. Upload you photos by clicking the “computer” button on […]
  20. @taractaonline

    How to add a video into the thinking box or a callout of an image


    Please click here for the assignment page  Assignment stars: 4.5 One part of my story was to add an interactive video to it. I creating a video in which a dinosaur is thinking about the thirsty crow story. It was a bit challenging to find a specific tool in any photo editing software that will … Continue reading How to add a video into the thinking box or a callout of an image

    The post How to add a video into the thinking box or a callout of an image appeared first on TaractarOnline.

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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