1. @taractaonline

    How to make a GIF animation from different images


    Please click here for assignment page (The assignment I completed is similar to it, not exactly the same) I must say that it is really an easy task to make a GIF animation because there are many. I used GIF Maker website to make my animation. In my story I had three characters. I wanted them … Continue reading How to make a GIF animation from different images

    The post How to make a GIF animation from different images appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  2. @paceamorebella

    Creating an Instant Replay Video

    For this Video Assignment, you have to choose a video, then pick a piece of the video to slow down. This creates an Instant Replay effect! The assignment is worth 4 stars. To start, I found the video I wanted to use on Youtube.  I then uploaded the video to this video converter website and uploaded it to my computer as […]
  3. @taractaonline

    How to make a radio announcement or advertisement with Audacity


    Please click here for assignment page Assignment Stars: 4 I had to record two pieces of audios in my own voice. The first piece of the audio was about the letting the audience know which radio they were listening to and the second piece was about the advertisement announcement. I also had to download two … Continue reading How to make a radio announcement or advertisement with Audacity

    The post How to make a radio announcement or advertisement with Audacity appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  4. @paceamorebella

    Creating a Song, Slowed Down

    For this Audio Assignment, the goal is to take a song and slow it way down to create a different type of musical sound. This assignment is worth 4 stars. I used the music editing program Audacity to create this masterpiece! To start off, I found the song I wanted to use on Youtube. Here is the original: I then took the […]
  5. @taractaonline

    How to record a telephone conversation with two different voices when both voices are your’s


    Please click here for the assignment page Assignment Stars: 4 This seemed a challenging task to me as what I needed for my story was a telephone conversation between a male and a female person. I wrote the script that I wanted to implement during the telephone conversation and then followed the following steps in … Continue reading How to record a telephone conversation with two different voices when both voices are your’s

    The post How to record a telephone conversation with two different voices when both voices are your’s appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  6. @paceamorebella

    Creating a GIF!

    For this animated GIF assignment, you have to take a video of an animal doing something funny and turn it into a GIF! This assignment is worth 1.5 stars.  The best site I found for creating a GIF is GIPHY. First, find the video you want to use. I found this one on Youtube: Upload this video to the […]
  7. @paceamorebella

    Creating a Travel Schedule!

    For this Design Assignment, the goal is to create a detailed travel schedule! This assignment is worth  4.5 stars.  The best site I used for creating my travel schedule is Travefy. Seriously, whether you plan to do this assignment or not, I highly recommend this site for planning your next vacation! Super helpful and organized. Once you get […]
  8. @paceamorebella

    Creating a Bucket List

    For this visual assignment,the goal is to create a bucket list of the places or things you want to do. This assignment is worth 3.5 stars. The best site to use for this assignment is Be Funky, a site designed for creating collages with pictures. Here is a step-by-step tutorial of how I created this collage Once you […]
  9. @tyler_gimple

    Final Project

    The Life and Times of Joe McSleazy: What Kind of Character is He? American Hero, Visionary, or Just a Huckster? You all know the type. Wicked smart and clever, sometimes too clever for his own good. He always has an angle on everything – how to get ahead in life, how to make tons of … Continue reading Final Project
  10. @paceamorebella

    The Journey Has Just Begun…

        Samena Patel was born in New Delhi, India on June 14, 1990. When she was only two years old, her family decided to move to New York City and start a new life. She had a great childhood, filled with love and adventure. Since she was raised Hindi, her parents were firm believers in […]
  11. @RichBarnes106

    The Yubinator (DS106 Final Project)

    Hi everyone, my name is Yub. I am an Ewok that has starred in numerous Whackbag Films projects and a little movie called Return of the Jedi! I love two things in life, sandwiches and Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger. I decided it was time to pursue my dream and see if Mr. Schwarzenegger would let me […]
  12. @byernatalie

    Viva La Panama!

    Once upon a time, there was a girl named Natalie. Her mother was born in Panama and her father was born in America, as she had been as well. When she grew older, Natalie learned about her mother’s heritage and that it meant that she was half Panamanian and half American. However, it always bothered … Continue reading Viva La Panama!
  13. @starfirego


    I  guess this is it the last post for ds106 I feel that I have tremendous bless to have taken this class and blessed with such knowledge for the future.   This week to the “Gif” were pretty challenging because I had forgotten most of the steps that it takes. I had assistance from the […]
  14. @starfirego


    Buddy the dolphin was a lovable and dependable dolphin who lived off the coast of California. He was loved by many and at one point he was at the top of the food chain (if you know what I mean).  He was more intelligent then any other dolphin in his pod. He spent his days reading and […]
  15. @starfirego

    Crafty font ?

    This is not a trick or a treat its just font Last Visual Assignment for the semester. It one of my favorite Assignments its “What A Crappy Font Will Do” (4 stars). I really like this idea what fonts can do to the meaning of a sign or even a label. For this exercise I used […]
  16. @starfirego


    I definitely feel like I am  wanted …not in a good way either I am so glad this is my next to last assignment. It is from the Design Assignments, Missing Person assignment (4 stars). This took more time then I thought it would my biggest hold up was trying to find how to convert a “pdf” to […]
  17. @kerauch8

    Advertisement for Open House!

    The full assignment is linked and listed in its entirety below: Create a poster for an up coming event. This assignment is worth 4 stars. I wanted to choose a broad assignment to be able to create whatever I needed to for this assignment. This open-ended advertisement let me do this. The first step in this assignment […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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