1. @kerauch8

    Can You See What I See Tutorial

    The full assignment is linked and is listed in its entirety below: Find or take a photo of an eye. Take another image of whatever you want, and overlay the image onto the eye. Make the image in the eye smaller so that it looks like a reflection in the person’s eye. Turning down the opacity of the […]
  2. @starfirego

    Weather..weather every where

    Another pain staking attempt to prove to myself that I am a “GIF” master. It is really proper that I did this assignment because it is currently raining. This assignment GIF The Weather, Man!! (4 stars)I almost gave up on but I continued to persevered. There is not a lot of pictures this time because I […]
  3. @starfirego

    I can hear the beats….

    For todays audio assignment (4 stars)I created a commercial for the radio. I created this for my final assignment. So far created 5 (4 star) assignments is pretty rough, but I have managed to weave a better story because of it. To start this project  by going to  Freesound and searching using the word “Beats”. I was looking […]
  4. @starfirego

    Creating Camp Poster

    I this visual assignment Creating Camp Posters  (4 stars) I learned how to take poster making to the next level. This poster is special because I am created for my story. First I googled “space” pictures using google. I then took a screenshot and of the image, and opened it into iphoto so I could crop it. […]
  5. @sguptaauthor


    F+or 4.5 stars, I did the Narrative Ambiance assignment, which asked us to: Take a favorite poem, inspiring quote or passage from a book (or even a movie monologue, if you like!) and record yourself reading it. Then set it to original video you’ve recorded with some kind of music or sound effect in the background. … Continue reading Eleutheromania
  6. @RichBarnes106

    Week 4 is Over in DS106

    Week 4 was our week to do video in DS106. I enjoyed this week just as much as audio week as I have a passion for doing video and audio. I also got to fuse those two passions together in one of the video assignments! On to week four! The reading movies assignment was helpful […]
  7. @kerauch8

    What a Week it Has Been!!!

    Week 4 is complete and now we move on to the Final Project portion of the course! For this week, I learned a lot about film techniques and how much of an impact they have on a piece of work. I have always been under the impression that the work itself is the main focus and […]
  8. @kerauch8

    Look. Listen. Analyze.

    This reflection proved to be my favorite assignment of the week. Being able to incorporate what we learned this week into analyzing a movie clip ourselves was very telling to how much we had learned. For this assignment, we analyzed the clip in three different ways. First: Analyze the camera work. The goal of this […]
  9. @tyler_gimple

    Look, Listen, Analyze

    How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes Video Reflection on a Scene from The Matrix. Visual This “Red Pill Blue Pill” Scene from Wachowski’s The Matrix focuses on the conversation between Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) and Neo (Keanu Reeves). In the clip, Neo has become aware of the matrix, an artificial reality used to keep the human mind occupied … Continue reading Look, Listen, Analyze
  10. @paceamorebella

    Welcome to the Zoo! Main Attraction: Mechanical PIG!

    In this Daily Create, a mechanical pig is the main attraction! The assignment called for drawing a picture of a “mechanical pig” in a blue zoo. I figured you cannot get more blue than an aquarium zoo and a mechanical swimming pig!  @ds106dc #tdc1652 my mechanical pig is the main attraction in this blue zoo! #pigscanswimtoo pic.twitter.com/aswnJ8BAx7 […]
  11. @paceamorebella

    Week 4 Summary

    In week 4 of DS106, I learned a lot about reading,analyzing and working with videos. I really enjoyed the interaction with the class this week as well. I felt like I got to converse with more people than ever before and put more time into looking into all of the other projects and assignments other […]
  12. @paceamorebella

    Clumsy Chavez, Falling is Funny!

    For this video assignment, I got to choose a funny video clip, play it, then slow a part of it way down, like instant replay! This assignment was a total of 4 stars.  Like the monkey above, I love to laugh. My friends and family share the same sense of humor as I do, so needless to say […]
  13. @paceamorebella

    A Picture Perfect Story

    In this video assignment, the main objective was to choose 5-10 words and create a video putting images and words together! The rating for this assignment is 4 stars.  The words I chose were:  coffee, love, Chanel, glamorous, fashion, pearls I am truly a girly-girl. Most of the things I think of in my spare time have to […]
  14. @paceamorebella

    Look. Listen. Analyze!

    The scene I chose is from Scent of a Woman, with Al Pacino. The first part I will analyze is,  Analyzing the camera work:  For this part, the volume is on mute and I looked specifically at the camera angles and views that they used in filming this movie What I noticed straight away, is that the […]
  15. @RichBarnes106

    Another Chewbacca Mom Parody

    The Cereal Killer was created and debuted in 2006 with the film “Cereal Killer.” He wears a Scary Movie mask and wields a knife and a mace & chain. He lives only to make bad jokes and kill anyone in his way. Probably anyone not in his way too. Since 2006 he has been in […]
  16. @taractaonline

    Video tutorial: Fast forwarding a video with Windows Movie Maker


    Assignment Stars: Above 4 Please click here for the assignment webpage Music by:  BenSound Video editing software used: Windows Movie Maker Screen recording software used: IceCream Screen Recorder All of us use internet to find help with all most everything. And luckily there is a lot of online help available free of any cost, thanks … Continue reading Video tutorial: Fast forwarding a video with Windows Movie Maker

    The post Video tutorial: Fast forwarding a video with Windows Movie Maker appeared first on TaractarOnline.

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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