1. @taractaonline

    Creating Instant Replay with Windows Movie Maker


    4 Stars Assignment Click here for assignment webpage YouTube video where the clip has been taken from: I love pets. Back home I have got a dog and a cat. Yes, both of them live under the same roof in peace and harmony :). I have been looking at the video assignments to select one … Continue reading Creating Instant Replay with Windows Movie Maker

    The post Creating Instant Replay with Windows Movie Maker appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  2. @taractaonline

    How to Look, Listen and Analyze a Movie Scene


    For the “Look” and “Listen” parts of the scene, I made points and elaborated them in the form of bullets. The “Analyze” part is more like a summary as it is a reflection of both the “Look” and “Listen” parts moving along together. Look   Camera movement backwards to forward. This is to put more … Continue reading How to Look, Listen and Analyze a Movie Scene

    The post How to Look, Listen and Analyze a Movie Scene appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  3. @taractaonline

    Summary of Cinematic Techniques


    Camera Angles and Techniques Camera techniques and techniques coupled with special effects can make a video amazing. This video has focused on the different camera tricks that can be performed to enhance the quality of the video that is being recorded. There are different techniques describes in the video like “Zolly” which can be used … Continue reading Summary of Cinematic Techniques

    The post Summary of Cinematic Techniques appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  4. @kerauch8

    Just Keep Swimming

    For this video assignment, the objective was to make a moving object using Vine. This being my first project using the app, I started off by making a few sample vines to understand the recording options and settings. I was able to take still images of the fish and make it look like they were moving or […]
  5. @kerauch8


    This daily create came on the perfect day for me! Any other day this week, would have been an ordinary day. I would have walked to campus for my other course, I would have been around Fredericksburg a little, nothing super interesting. But not today… #dailycreate #ds106 #tdc1650 My travels for the day! @ds106dc pic.twitter.com/t8BAZ4ZadV […]
  6. @starfirego

    Were Half Way There

    I can’t believe it!! us students are already almost finished Great job you guys!! This week again was really challenging but there was times that it was fun too!! I think I did are really good job this week on completing the assignments I guess once you get the hang of thing homework becomes no […]
  7. @RichBarnes106

    Look, Listen and Analyze: The Hulk

    Today I will be analyzing a short clip from the movie The Hulk from 2003. I have been a fan of the Incredible Hulk since I was a little boy. I loved the TV show from the late 70’s starring Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno. I have also collected Incredible Hulk comics, toys, etc for […]
  8. @taractaonline

    Is commenting helpful in learning only?


    In my previous week’s post I had emphasized on how great it is to comment on other blog posts and learn in the process. There is no doubt you first need to read a blog to comment on it.  Commenting without reading is simply spamming which is not good to the blog post and in … Continue reading Is commenting helpful in learning only?

    The post Is commenting helpful in learning only? appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  9. @taractaonline

    Confessions of an Arab


    I don't have the book ready yet but here is the title page. @ds106dc #tdc1644 pic.twitter.com/nMieP264VH — Mohammed Taractar (@taractaonline) July 15, 2016 Well what book title can an Arab from the desert part of Arabia think of when writing a book? Especially when it is about his confessions. I believe that due to scientific … Continue reading Confessions of an Arab

    The post Confessions of an Arab appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  10. @taractaonline

    I still look good


    Here is the web to do magic to ur photo. https://t.co/s6oCxpLrDu #tdc1647 @ds106dc pic.twitter.com/IDxLjvYwP1 — Mohammed Taractar (@taractaonline) July 15, 2016   Here is a simple online application to c64 your picture. When first I saw the daily create, I was confused how I am going to get the image into the desired format. I … Continue reading I still look good

    The post I still look good appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  11. @starfirego

    Post -it (proof)

    One of thing I do badly is generate conversation. I have been working on it and it just seems that people are catching on. Here are some of the post that I have posted this week. I just worked on mainly commenting about little things that I understood or I thought where a coincidence. I think the […]
  12. @starfirego

    Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego

    Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego ! I think it is more like Where in the world is Adriel Brooks and what am I thinking? Anyway its already 1:50 in the afternoon and I already have been very busy. With a move on the way on my days off I am doing a lot […]
  13. @byernatalie


    @ds106dc#ds106#dailycreate#tdc1649 My attempt at being artsy 🎨pic.twitter.com/yMISHV7Yeq — Natalie Beyer (@byernatalie) July 15, 2016 This was inspired by my tattoo. I have it on my left forearm and it is actually an one line drawing as well. Except instead of being drawn by me, who cannot draw to save her life, mine was a sketch … Continue reading 07-14-16
  14. @kerauch8


    Gave this daily create my best shot! Continuous line art adds the the difficulty of drawing, for me at least. #tdc1649 @ds106dc Continuous line art flower #ds106 #dailycreate pic.twitter.com/adERON0Lak — Katie Rauchwarg (@kerauch8) July 14, 2016 For this, I tried multiple designs and this seemed to work best. Not picking up the pen the entire […]
  15. @kerauch8

    A Story of Words

    For this assignment, 5-10 words were chosen at random. These words were then google searched and an image for this word was chosen. The words and images were then used to create a video and story to mesh all these random words together! The 7 random words I came up with for this assignment are as follows: […]
  16. @starfirego

    How To….

    I don’t care what people say about me I am always going be nervous around camera’s but who is not? This Video Assignment takes me on an adventure of how to make a How To video (4 1/2)  (very proud of myself because I am keeping up the  “4”‘s this week) To produce this video I […]
  17. @starfirego

    I do..what I do

    Another great  Video Assignment this comes from the assignment  What Do You Do? this is worth (4 starts). My thinking is that it should be rated about 3 stars but that is just my personal opinion. I guess this is where I tell the story about what I do everyday, I actually think this is what […]
  18. @RichBarnes106

    Cinema Technique 1 – Tarantino from Below

    The first cinema technique I will look at is Tarantino’s from below. Watch the video below for examples of this technique. Watching the various clips from Tarantino’s films showed me this a great method that I should use more often in my own films. There were may scenes where I felt this angle gave his characters […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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