1. @RichBarnes106

    How to Read a Movie

    Siskel & Ebert was a popular film review show from 1975 to 1999. Siskel passed away in 1999 but Roger Ebert continued on in reviewing film and writing articles. In 2008 he wrote an article, How To Read A Movie. I will play the part of Ebert by reviewing his article. Ebert begins with a […]
  2. @starfirego

    The Moon and Stars

    I thought this Daily Create turned out really well. To create this piece of art  I opened “Gimp” this time though when I opened the program the tools did’t open so I had to go reset them. To do that I went to the very top of tool bar (its green in my case) and looked […]
  3. @paceamorebella

    Rise and Line, Coffee Time!

    Rise and line, it's coffee time! @ds106dc #tdc1649 #dsc106 pic.twitter.com/qzkCZcrySI — amanda (@paceamorebella) July 14, 2016 This daily create involves drawing a picture in a continuous line without picking up the pen. Since it was 5am when I decided to complete this TDC, I chose the one thing I was in  dire need of to draw, […]
  4. @paceamorebella

    Why So Serious?

    @ds106dc #tdc1648 #digped #ds106 pic.twitter.com/hP5fFbjZ6v — amanda (@paceamorebella) July 14, 2016 In this Daily Create, I got to work with one of my favorite image techniques- a selfie! More specially, a serious, critical selfie. This type of expression is commonly used by me and many of my friends. I typically use this expression when someone is […]
  5. @paceamorebella

    Retro Rose Reminiscence

      @ds106dc #tdc1647 #ds106 I love roses so I obviously had to C64 them 🙂 pic.twitter.com/is3zGofWn7 — amanda (@paceamorebella) July 12, 2016 For this daily create assignment, I recreated a retro computer portrait of my favorite flower, roses. I used the C64 Website create this masterpiece of a bouquet of roses I took in my kitchen. Roses have […]
  6. @paceamorebella

    Techniques and Methods of Film

    In the article How To Read A Movie , Roger Ebert displays easy reading films can be. He states, “you don’t need to be an expert, because the audience, and the film itself, are your most helpful collaborators” when reading into a film. I found it really interesting how the technique “shot-by-shots” can be so helpful in […]
  7. @kerauch8

    How to Read a Movie

    Roger Ebert’s How to Read a Movie was such an informative resource as a baseline for reading movies. I am a movie lover, always have been. I have been unaware of every little detail that goes into film making and how important all of these elements are. One line that stood out to me was when he […]
  8. @kerauch8


    For today’s daily create, I used a little help from snapchat. #ds106 @ds106dc My critical face selfie as I study Physics (with a little help from Snapchat) #tdc1648 #dailycreate pic.twitter.com/Qmh68kaiCp — Katie Rauchwarg (@kerauch8) July 13, 2016 This critical selfie goes out to all of the physics I’ll be studying tonight and shows exactly how I feel […]
  9. @byernatalie


    @ds106dc#ds106#dailycreate#tdc1648 It’s really just my default expression. pic.twitter.com/DrSsX90P6q — Natalie Beyer (@byernatalie) July 13, 2016 I swear my boyfriend and I cannot for the life of both of us take a normal picture. One of us always has to pull a face. I guess it says a lot about our relationship. He is my boyfriend … Continue reading 07-13-16
  10. @starfirego

    The serious life

    To create this Daily Create  I first took a picture using my iphone. Because, I used my iphone the picture automatically showed up in icloud which is connect also to my iphoto. All I had to do is drag the picture from the icloud application that was in iphoto to my desktop. I then uploaded it […]
  11. @byernatalie

    Hitchcocks and Kubricks and Eberts, Oh My!

    I thought Robert Ebert’s How to Read a Movie was extremely interesting and invaluable to critiquing movies. The most persuasive point he made was about the angles and how transformative they can be, either turning the character into a “god” or a “pawn”. I think its also important to note that he encouraged analyzing the movies in … Continue reading Hitchcocks and Kubricks and Eberts, Oh My!
  12. @starfirego


    Oh my goodness, how many times have I watched this video and not catched such an experience as I currently just did. As a child I really loved this movie but now that I am an adult I enjoy it even more. I can’t even describe how I feel about the movie now that I have […]
  13. @kerauch8


    For this assignment, I had to do a little research. I’m not sure about you guys but I am not familiar with Commodore 64. Using the link on the assignment page, I did do a little research before creating the daily create. We all know that technology has progressed a great deal since 1982. I was very impressed […]
  14. @starfirego

    Reading Moves

    Today I read “How To Read A Movie” by Roger Ebert’s this article was published date is August 30, 2008 . In this article  Roger starts by reminiscing about his early years and how he go into film reading. He reminisces that he started really getting into film around 1969 when he started teaching a class film […]
  15. @starfirego


    This Daily Create was  a lot of fun but I find it rather curious. So to start out with I went to the  daily.ds106.us  website. From the Daily Create website it directed the students to another website c64.superdefault.com, once we got there there was kinda of like a super-mario-ish universe back ground that said “Drop Image […]
  16. @byernatalie


    @ds106 #ds106 #dailycreate #tdc1647 WooOOooOOooahhh (I’m clearly easily impressed) pic.twitter.com/ZfjQpxokSS — Natalie Beyer (@byernatalie) July 12, 2016 I was thinking of putting a picture of my cat Stella into the C64 effect generator but then I remembered I haven’t posted a selfie today…I’m just kidding. I really wanted to know what I would look like … Continue reading 07-12-16
  17. @starfirego

    This is definitely not a class

    As Time flies by these Daily Creates get weirder and weirder. I also become more determined to be the best at Daily Creates, but I have found that I have good competition which is good because it helps challenge my talent. So, for this one there is not much of a back story but I promised to write […]
  18. @kevinds106

    Week 3 Summary

    Audio Storytelling Technique Reflection Radio Story Reflection Audio Assignment #1 Audio Assignment #2 Audio Assignment #3 Daily Create #1 Daily Create #2   This week was quite a lot of fun, despite the difficulty. I ended up learning a lot… Continue Reading
  19. @kevinds106

    Radio Story Reflection

    http://www.radiolab.org/story/137407-talking-to-machines/ I listened to Talking to Machines on Radiolab. It was an engaging series of interviews with multiple experts, ranging from computer scientists, to writers, to robotics engineers, to therapists. All surrounding the absolutely fascinating (and sometimes frightening) world of… Continue Reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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