1. @paceamorebella

    Weekly Summary 3

    Weekly Summary To start off, I want to address what I have learned this week of ds106. I was really interested in learning about the audio component of storytelling and what goes into making a truly captivating, interesting audio story. Ira Glass really gave me a lot of knowledge about how to format a compelling audio story […]
  2. @RichBarnes106

    Week 3 Summary DS106

    Week 3 is over and this was my favorite week to date. I love working with audio and really tried to improve on my storytelling. It appears we are doing audio next week too so I am looking forward to more audio editing! I did not think the Ira Glass videos would be interesting but they held […]
  3. @paceamorebella

    Getting That Beach Body Ready- Or Not!

    This Daily Create was really fun to make! The assignment was to create a short story behind this photo! Since it is summer, many people are worried about their physical appearance. I believe this is no different for many animals as well! So my short story has everything to do with getting that beach bod […]
  4. @paceamorebella

    What You Say When You Get Your Way

    I chose this Daily Create because I got to do a simple recording of a phrase I  use all the time- OH YEAH! I usually say “oh yeaaaaaahh” when I get a super cute dress on sale or free food. Whatever the case is, if I am gaining something or receiving a positive message, I will say […]
  5. @paceamorebella

    But first, let me take a Shelfie!

    You can find the daily create here. I chose this daily create because I liked the idea of taking a photo of my shadow in an interesting pose! Who knew I would end up creating a new concept I hope many of you will try out! While contemplating what pose to do, I decided to […]
  6. @kerauch8

    More than Halfway Done!

    Week 3 has come to an end and may I say I am impressed. I am impressed with Audio and every little detail that goes into the works of a great story. First let me start by summarizing what I learned this week. I don’t know where to start because I have learned so much […]
  7. @kerauch8

    What This Week Has Taught Me

    I’m not exactly sure if the feedback we are reflecting on is about our comments on others blogs or the comments left on ours. That being said, I will do a little bit of both. This week I have had the most contact with the other members of this course via the blogs. I’m not […]
  8. @kerauch8

    Rhythm with Things

    For my other audio assignment, I made a song with Audacity using random household items. This assignment was worth 4 stars. I’ll start by explaining a little bit about what I used for this assignment. When I read the description, I knew I had to do this! I love the idea of using non-music items to create […]
  9. @taractaonline

    The scary night, with audio effects only


    4.5 Stars Assignment Length of audio: 44 seconds Please click here for assignment page This was a challenging assignment. I had to tell a story without words. So I thought of a scary night where a person gets into a haunted house. There he finds out that the house is possessed by a scary creature. … Continue reading The scary night, with audio effects only

    The post The scary night, with audio effects only appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  10. @taractaonline

    Me as the RJ for DS106 Radio


    2 Stars assignment Length of audio: 17 seconds Please click here for the assignment page I downloaded the Audacity free audio editing software and installed it on my computer. Then I downloaded and installed the required Audacity plugin to convert audios to mp3. First I thought of sentences that I wanted to say as a … Continue reading Me as the RJ for DS106 Radio

    The post Me as the RJ for DS106 Radio appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  11. @taractaonline

    Insight into radio storytelling


    Summary of Dissecting Joanne Rosser, Papermaker I made the following notes from the Dissecting Joanne Rosser, Papermaker Show that proved useful when I was listening to the radio story and then making a summary of it. An audio presentation must have simplicity on surface and a lot going on in the background, Paragraphs arrange the … Continue reading Insight into radio storytelling

    The post Insight into radio storytelling appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  12. @taractaonline

    The art of audio storytelling


    Ira Glass According to Ira Glass, there are two building blocks of audio storytelling: Anecdote: According to what I understood from the video Anecdote is a sequence of actions like one thing happening next to other in audio storytelling. This is an example of the whole thought process that must be in a correct sequence … Continue reading The art of audio storytelling

    The post The art of audio storytelling appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  13. @taractaonline

    Feedback of my feedback


    I provided real feedback comments to other bloggers from my summer class. They were not at all “you are great” kinds of comments :).  I have provided feedbacks to restaurants, retailers, salespersons, online website and many more but have never provided a feedback of my feedback. So this was a challenging blog post to write … Continue reading Feedback of my feedback

    The post Feedback of my feedback appeared first on TaractarOnline.

  14. @kerauch8

    Audio Story

    For my first audio assignment, I created a story only using sound effects. Having some previous experience in iMovie, I was able to make the audio story there and then upload it to sound cloud. This assignment is listed as 4.5 stars. You are out of town for the week on vacation in Florida and you have someone […]
  15. @kerauch8


    #dailycreate @ds106dc Once upon a time there was a monkey and a dog…… #tdc1645 #ds106 pic.twitter.com/EtYoufxZro — Katie Rauchwarg (@kerauch8) July 10, 2016 For the daily create for today, this picture was used to create a story for this image. For everyone that doesn’t know from my previous post about animals, I am a dog person. But […]
  16. @kerauch8

    Getting Away With It Audio Reflection

    Getting Away With It is episode 477 for This American Life. After the reflection this week on Ira Glass and learning from his videos about Audio Storytelling, I thought I would choose my audio story for the list of episodes of This American Life. As I began listening to the episode, it was clear I needed to shut off every background […]
  17. @RichBarnes106

    Ghost Stories – A Lesson in Listening

    Hello DS106 subscribers, these are my thoughts on Radiolab’s production called Ghost Stories. The production starts off with a story by Mary Roach. Some of the sound effects were hit or miss for me. I thought the newscast spliced in about the death of Thomas Bradford worked very well. There was a lengthy moment of […]
  18. @sguptaauthor


    Its strange to think, but one year ago I had no idea what college was like, and two years ago I didn’t know what college I would end up attending. Just applying to college is a stressful process fraught with complications, and in the midst of the process I didn’t have much time to reflect … Continue reading Colleges

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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