1. @paceamorebella

    Slow It Down

    This audio assignment I chose for this post was  taking a song and making it a lot slower. Sometimes when you have a beautiful piece of work, you do not think to alter it. However, changing the tempo or speed of a song can truly create a new masterpiece on its own. Sia has a beautiful, haunting […]
  2. @paceamorebella

    Lessons Learned

    What does a song mean to you? Check out this assignment! Hopefully my assignment will inspire you to do the same! Going through life, we all experience hard times and tough experiences. Sometimes life gets difficult and we have to learn to work through these times. Whether it be problems with a job, a relationship or […]
  3. @starfirego

    Audio At A Glance

    Audio at a glance man I am really sad this week is over I am so excited to try my hand at a different type of   media. I really like learning from Ira Glass it really opened my eyes another’s artistic talent, I have the option to be artistic over the air. This opened my […]
  4. @RichBarnes106

    Coming soon to theatres not near you!

    It’s a bird… It’s a plane… It’s DS106!? That’s right it’s the digital storytelling class that is the best there was, the best there is, and the best there ever will be! DS106 is proud to announce it has a new audio trailer which you can hear below by clicking on a little thing we […]
  5. @RichBarnes106

    Ira Glass on storytelling

    I really identified right away with Ira’s discussion on anecdotes. I generally write things that constantly lead from one thing to the next with a final destination. I used this method with the first audio assignment I did, “A Wolf Now Among Us“. It was basically one thing would happen and then that would lead to […]
  6. @starfirego

    Sick Beat

    Just trying to have fun with this project Audio Assignments Create A Ds106 Radio Bumper (4 stars) trying to challenge my self while having fun. * My main objective for this project whether I finish or fail to finish this project is to learn more about using Audacity, learn how to manipulate sound and challenge myself. I am not […]
  7. @starfirego

    Learn that’s what we do…

    I gained a lot of skill this week never in my life have I attempted to be a Dj of sorts or just play around with music. Learning the software Audacity was a big take away for me in all my years of being an artist I had never taken the time to be creative […]
  8. @taractaonline

    Reason for No Life on Mars

    So you wana know why there is no life on MArs. Here is the reason:#tds1638 @ds106dc pic.twitter.com/WOG5XBsGE0 — Mohammed Taractar (@taractaonline) July 9, 2016 The post Reason for No Life on Mars appeared first on TaractarOnline.
  9. @paceamorebella

    Scary Storytime

    The RadioLab episode I chose to listen to was “Ghost Stories” S.10 Ep.9. The episode created a haunting, creepy atmosphere for me as I listened. I felt absorbed into the stories being told and eager to find out more. I believe the audio was effective for many reasons.This RadioLab episode explores four different spooky stories from […]
  10. @RichBarnes106

    A Wolf Now Among Us

    Rich was walking down the street one night and saw a glowing light in a field. Curiosity got the best of him and he walked towards it. As he got closer to the light he soon became paralyzed in fear. He saw a man dressed in black robes standing by a fire with a staff […]
  11. @starfirego

    Tell Us A Story Of The Wild West

    Here is a story that does not leave room for imagination. Stories of the Wild West are ones of bravery and courage this is what it might be like to be during the time of the Pony Express… Please excesses the lack of no how in this one this is my first time trying  Audacity so far […]
  12. @starfirego

    Picture Perfect

    This is Todays Daily Create: Show Your Shadow #ds106#dailycreate#tdc1643 Even my shadow can pose pretty pic.twitter.com/JtZI9SwbfY — Adriel Brooks (@Chickfilalove87) July 8, 2016 This was just something simple I did while on campus. I have been spending a lot of time here because the quite is nice and the computers are even nicer. This was […]
  13. @kerauch8


    #dailycreate @ds106dc National Get Everything you want Day aka TREAT YOURSELF DAY #tdc1642 pic.twitter.com/1MHnuqdQWO — Katie Rauchwarg (@kerauch8) July 7, 2016 Now for this daily create, I only wish it was true. A day where there was no worries...
  14. @starfirego

    Listen To This….

    In the podcast “Falling” (The Truth Podcast) the producers used a lot of sound effects in the podcast. Audio techniques included sounds of trains, lifting , sound a person falling ect. In the first few minutes of this podcast I could not really understand what was going on  either it was the sound effects were […]
  15. @starfirego

    National Love a Plant Day!!

    It seems like every Holiday I could think of was already taken. Even the other responses that I looked at some one had already taken (I googled them just to make sure). You can see my responses to todays daily create below: Happy National love a plant day where every plant deserves to be hugged […]
  16. @paceamorebella

    The Building Blocks and More of Audio Storytelling

    When a person relies only on audio to tell a story, the techniques used to captivate the audience can be quite different.   Ira Glass, host of This American Life, displays his craftsmanship for audio storytelling in these short videos:   This first video, Ira Glass speaks on the “building blocks” of audio storytelling. He breaks these […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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