I thought I would tell you all about my three-day weekend in the form of a choose your own adventure story.
Nothing terribly exciting happened, but I wanted to play around with telling a fairly standard story in a more interesting way. I’m not even sure if this counts as an actual narrative story, but it was really fun to make. I used this website and I think I was probably just using a free trial, so there are probably better sites like this out there that are completely free, but this got the job done and was really easy. As much as I love doing stuff like this and having a finished product, I’m not the most computer literate yet.
I’m not crazy about my current theme because it’s squishing the picture, making it pretty difficult to read. If you click on the picture until it opens in a new tab or window, you can zoom in and see it full size. Hopefully I’ll work this out relatively soon.
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