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“I’m learning some great moves off this guy.”

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For the GIF, I picked my favorite television show, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.  This particular scene always has me laughing.  It’s unbelievable how in sync Dee is dancing with the, um, not sure what you call those inflatable, dancing, tube guys.

Making the GIF wasn’t too difficult, just time consuming.  I downloaded Jing so I could take screen shots which was really simple to use.  I don’t have this episode on DVD so I re-watched it on hulu and took screenshots frame by frame (or as close as I could by pressing “play” and “pause” as quickly as possible).  Originally, I had more of this scene done (66 frames) but it seemed a bit much so I cut it down to 26.  I animated it all using photoshop 7 with imageReady and followed a tutorial I found online.  It could be smoother but I think it turned out pretty ok for my first attempt.

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