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30 Second Story

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Hello everyone!

While trying to thinking of what story to share with you, I was thinking about stories I like to hear.  One type of story I always enjoy listening to is the retelling of dreams.  So I thought I would share my dream from last night with everyone.

Last night, in dreamland, I was running up flights and flights of stairs inside a very tall building.  When I finally reached the top floor, I opened the door to one giant room – the entire floor was a single room.  Floor length glass windows enclosed the room.  I thought I would be high in the air, looking down onto something. Instead, I was underground.  Although I had been running up and up, I was going down into the earth.  Outside the windows, all I could see was dirt.  Except when I looked very closely.  I could see miles and miles of trails made by insects.  Hundreds of ants, worms, beetles, and other insects were crawling through the dirt.  I spent the rest of the dream with my nose on the glass, looking at insects. It kind of looked like this, except not only ants and a lot dirtier.

If anyone out there enjoys interpreting dreams – let me know what you think!

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