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  1. Jenna Kincaid

    Final Project

    Here it is, my final project. I mashed together William Herrod-Hempsall’s 1920s instructions for manipulating bees using a movable frame hive and with Billy Myles’ “Honey bee” from 1957 – and added my own ideas of the relationship between the child and the bees. Croping and editing the clips was probably the most strenuous work ...
  2. Jenna Kincaid

    dear future ds106ers,

    First off, you made the right decision to register for this class. You’re off on the right foot. I learned a lot during this class – about computers, the internet, and how to use these mediums to express my own creativity. And unlike some of my undergraduate education, I know that I will use what ...
  3. Jenna Kincaid


    When I woke this morning feeling like the seacobeck midnight breakfast had sucked all the nutrients and vitamins out of my body – i really needed fruit. I selfishly scrounged through the kitchen unsuccessfully. I was even ready to eat my housemate’s banana or apple. But there was nothing. Not a single piece of fruit ...
  4. Jenna Kincaid

    El Mashup Final Project

    Here it is, Dawn of the Dead narrated by David Attenborough: I ended up using scenes from throughout the film, not just the first mall scene. I wanted to use as much of the chimp narrative as I could, so I needed more footage. The other footage (zombies eating and some of the attack scenes) ...
  5. Jenna Kincaid

    El Mashup Progress

    this post is coming pretty late in the project process, but here it is. I have spent a lot of time these past two weeks trying to find an inspiration for this project. At first I was on a movie trailer kick and it really limited my idea developments. After brainstorming with a friend on ...
  6. Jenna Kincaid


    Here is a mashup trailer I really like of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and Inception. I really like how the dialogue lines up with the HP scenes – I want to incorporate and work with changing dialogues in my own mashup project I was surprised at how well the stories fit together – ...
  7. Jenna Kincaid

    Final Project

    Now that the video essay is out of the way, I’m going to start really working on my final project. The inspiration for my final project came out of my history thesis that I’m curently working on this semester. My project is about the cultural history of honey bees and honey bee management. Throughout the ...
  8. Jenna Kincaid

    Video Essay ā€“ Labyrinth

    Here is my video essay assignment. It is a little late because I ran into very annoying audio problems. I was having a lot of trouble balancing the audio under my speaking. I don’t know if I just wasn’t doing things correctly but whatever it was, its still not right. The last clip is way ...
  9. Jenna Kincaid

    Mashup Response

    Melanie McBrideā€™s article Praxis 2.0 presents very important challenges to the contemporary education system and its limitations. As she points out in the ā€œSituated creativityā€ section, learning is a form of praxis ā€“ a process of discovery in which theories and skills are practiced, developed, and applied. Fundamentally, education should be the embodiment of this ...
  10. Jenna Kincaid

    Fredericksburg 2012

    I told the story of the 2012 apocalypse via the . Set in Fredericksburg, the weather channel predicts the final three days of Earth. I had a lot of fun with this assignment. The most frustrating part was trying to edit the map at the bottom of the page. The map is actually a ...
  11. Jenna Kincaid

    Sugar Free

    I put together a series of photos I took at at work using The editing tools were very basic, resizing was very difficult with this program.
  12. Jenna Kincaid

    Web 2.0

    I first learned about Web 2.0 four years when a friend asked me to what she called business social networking for her small independent company. It was not an easy job for me. The hardest part of the job was learning the frustrations of a businesswoman whose copyrighted materials were doing her more harm than ...
  13. Jenna Kincaid

    Adding Chairs

    I’ve been messing around with plugins for the site. It appears to be a cyclical process – first getting exciting about all the possibilities a plugin will offer, then get confused and frustrated at putting it into practice, and finally getting it right. Sometimes. Then I start over again with another promising plugin. So far ...
  14. Jenna Kincaid

    30 Second Story

    Hello everyone! While trying to thinking of what story to share with you, I was thinking about stories I like to hear. Ā One type of story I always enjoy listening to is the retelling of dreams. Ā So I thought I would share my dream from last night with everyone. Last night, in dreamland, I was ...

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