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Adding Chairs

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I’ve been messing around with plugins for the site. It appears to be a cyclical process – first getting exciting about all the possibilities a plugin will offer, then get confused and frustrated at putting it into practice, and finally getting it right. Sometimes. Then I start over again with another promising plugin.

So far I have installed a couple plugins – the suggested Google Analytics, Twitter tools, akismet, and subscribe to comments. I have also added NexGen Gallery (I’ll get a photo slideshow set up at the bottom of my page soon. This will involve changing my theme again. Theme-changes are a daily occurrence at this point, I’m still searching for the one I like the most), GTranslator for my French-speaking friends (its an awesome tool – it can translate my page into 58 languages) and WordPress Video Plugin. WordPress already makes it super easy to embed videos from the major video host site, this plugin allows me to embed videos from a lot of other hosts – like this video from hulu.

But then I realized that hulu provides an option to embed the videos directly into by blog. And you can edit the beginning and end points of the video.

My next step is to figure out all the Google Analytics things. I’ll keep you posted.

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