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El Mashup Final Project

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Here it is, Dawn of the Dead narrated by David Attenborough:

I ended up using scenes from throughout the film, not just the first mall scene. I wanted to use as much of the chimp narrative as I could, so I needed more footage. The other footage (zombies eating and some of the attack scenes) is from the basement scene and the final mall battle with the motorcycle gang – I tried to only use footage without motorcycles but if you look closely, there are one or two in the background of some frames.

By the end of editing, iMovie was running super slow and not properly at times. When I tried to import videos into my project is would only load two or 3 frames multiple times. I saved and came back to it a couple times, but I was still having the same problems so I didn’t get to make the final edits I wanted. The opening is very abrupt and I wanted to include the opening credits in order to transition into the chimpanzee narrative better, but it still works as is. The ending is also very abrupt and I think its a very distracting conclusion. I also ran into trouble trying to export the video, I kept getting an Error code – 50 or error -34, which means there was enough disk space. I tried to save it directly to another hard drive with more space but that didn’t work. I ended up just uploading it straight from iMovie to youtube. Hopefully it doesn’t get taken down anytime soon because I don’t have a copy saved on my computer.

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