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Let’s Google

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I never thought of Microsoft versus Google. I normally think of Microsoft versus Apple. Either way, Microsoft needs to step up their game if they want to stay in Web 2.0 and beyond. Have you noticed that a lot of modern technology nouns have become verbs? For example, “Let’s google”, “Oh my gosh, he friended me!”, “I’ll facebook you later”.

I digress. I found it interesting that the whole copyrights issue couldn’t have happened without digital storytelling, and digital storytelling couldn’t have happened without Web 2.0. This is a prime example of the endless possibilities with the creation of new technologies.  Many of the tools mentioned in Bryan Alexander and Alan Levine’s article I had never heard of before. I love the creativity and innovation!

“For one, some media reports suggest that this type of storytelling could be either hype or a danger.” (Web 2.0 Storytelling) I think if used in a good way and if tools continue to evolve, digital storytelling will only help us. Digital story connects people, and people working together can promote positive change.

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