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Getting Ready for Daily Shoot

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I just got my Flickr photos to link to the widget on the side here.  I am going to use this for the Daily Shoot assignments so people can also see my photos here.  The plugin is called Quick Flickr and is very easy to use (after trying other ones that were not so easy).

Also, I tried to do do what cogdog said and set your account up to blog to twitter from Flickr.  However, this was unsuccessful.  For some reason, it wouldn’t accept my username and password.  Could be because now I have about 10 accounts and passwords for various websites for this class, which I am trying to keep track of.  But I do think that I had the correct username and password so I’m not sure why it is saying I’m wrong.

Also, I needed to start a wedding blog to let family know directions/dates for my wedding so I created another subdomain off of this website.  I figured since I am already paying for it, I might as well use it as much as possible.  I spent the day looking at wedding widgets and themes, which are awesome.  I set up a guest RSVP so people can RSVP and let me know food options right on the website.  I also set up a countdown and other things.  I may try hooking flickr up to that page, just like I did this one.

Looking forward to starting the daily shoot assignments tomorrow… Today’s assignment with shadows looks difficult.

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