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An Album Cover

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_cpzh4: So here’s something fun for everyone to do, should be quick and easy, but try to make it pretty.

First, go here:
The title of the article is now the name of your band.

Next, go here:
Go to the bottom of the page. The last four to five words of the last quote are the title of your first album

Lastly, go here:
Select the 3rd image. It is the picture for your album cover.

Manipulate the picture, resize it, add some other color, whatever. Do the same with the band name and album title, put them over top. However you wanna do it. Make it look cool., _cre1l: Visual, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Crazylegs, _clrrx: 44, _cyevm: , _cztg3: , _d180g: 225


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