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Punxsutawney Phil says Spring!

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The last two days of daily shoots have made me incredibly anxious for spring.  On Wednesday, it was almost 60 degrees and all the daily shoots were outside minus jackets.  Then today, the daily shoot photo was about taking sky/horizon pictures.  All my pictures were just so colorless since the sky was gray and the trees are bare.  I am just waiting for it to be spring.

So this is why I decided to do Assignment 11 newspaper blackout poetry by Tim Owens.  I took a Bullet article about farms and a groundhog day clip and put them together.  I then blacked out all the words except those that are for spring.  They go nicely with the groundhog who predicted spring to come soon.  I also drew a few pictures to brighten up a very black picture.

Also, the picture may look blurry, but if you click it will pull it up bigger.  I had to scan it so it may not be super clear.

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