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5 Card Flickr Story: My Day

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This assignment was very fun. Hope you enjoy!

Five Card Story: My Day

a ds106 story created by samiamumw

flickr photo by snakepliskens

flickr photo by paulhami

flickr photo by paulhami

flickr photo by paulhami

flickr photo by ravnclaw89

I had a few errands to run today so I went to town. When I got there, I was thirsty so I grabbed a coke (picture 1). After I got a drink, I got back in my car (picture 2) and drove to the market to do some shopping for myself (picture 3). I got some flip-flops and some jewelry. Then I went to another part of town and stopped in the Levi store and bought some jeans. On the way out of the store I saw this bull outside all alone and I decided to put him in my car and take him home with me as a pet (picture 4). I finally ran out of money and had to go back home where I spent the rest of the day building a fence to keep my new bull in (picture 5).

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