After reading the article I kind of just shrugged my shoulders and said “meh”. There were some pretty helpful things in there but also some things that kind of bored me. The story itself was cool about the people trying to help their town, and I am a believer in the best way to learn things is through looking at a case and thinking about and discussing it. If they had gone a little more into the story itself and the thought process behind the questions I would have liked that. One thing I liked was how they talked about building rapport with the person you are interviewing to make them want to open up and feel more comfortable talking to you. That part reminded me of a book I love called “Tuesdays with Morrie”, and a 80 year old man is dying and when someone comes to interview him the first thing he says is “tell me something that is close to your heart”, he wanted to make sure the person interviewing him was a good person, someone he would want to share his story with. I did learn a lot about how you should “over record” because you can always go back and cut stuff out, but it takes so much more effort to add stuff in. As an into to what we are going to be doing next this was a pretty good read but not something to write home to mom about.
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