I knew this assignment would be kinda of challenge, but that was just more incentive to do it. I had to pick an image that was basic yet one that was recognizable. 2001 A Space Odyssey is one of my favorite movies and I though HAL would be familiar to some people at least.
I thought Word would be the easiest was to move and manipulate text so I started and stayed there. I opened word and went to word art. I picked the style where the text goes around in a circle.
After posting the image I thought it would have been cooler to add words but I didnāt think of it a the time. Instead I filled the word art with random characters.
I knew the font had to be thick and bold so the colors stood out. I found the heaviest one I could.
After that I formatted the font to the appropriateĀ color. I used variations of black, gray, red, yellow and orange. I used a gradient so the colors mixed together nicely.
After that it was simply just filling in the circles with the appropriate color text.
It took me about 2 hours to finish but I am so happy with the result.
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