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Love it or Hate it

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There has been a lot of stuff I have loved about this class that I want to showcase here.  Constantly my classmates and roommates are showing me up by coming up with even better design projects.  I am also amazed at what people came up with for assignments for others to do.  Here are some of my favorites:

-GIFS: I love all the animated gifs people have been doing.  My goal is to do sometime in the semester when I have a bunch of free time.  They seem pretty intimidating to me, but I know that I can make one if I just sit down and take a look at some tutorials.  I have really liked Dave’s and it is great to see people doing them for the first time.  I also thought this one with crazy fingers by Megan was great.

-BIG CAPTION: I have liked the big caption assignments for both myself and others.  I thought Jordan‘s were especially good and made me laugh.  I liked Somethingkindaooooh.  She made me laugh and apparently the fire picture was very popular for doing big captions.

-PHOTOGRAPHY: The Daily Shoot assignment has kept us all busy and creative for the last two weeks.  I love the photography done by Chronicles of the House.  It is not only great photography, but they blog about the process and insights, which helps me process my own work.

I have also appreciated Andrew‘s radio t-shirts (particularly the Mao one), even if they are controversial.  I loved the design assignment by Stephanie where you use your name like Google.  This was a great idea because it is something we see Google do all the time, but I had never thought to incorporate it into my own life.

Basically, I see that the entire class is doing great.  It is actually a lot of fun to see how people have designed their blogs and are now filling them.  I feel like it some of these assignments you can see the personality of the people behind the computer.  It is great and I expect to continue to be amazed.

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