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Gaining Life Skills Over Here

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So apparently ds106 is teaching us things we can use in actual, practical ways beyond this specific course. Who knew?

I suspected as much, but it was still pretty exciting to set up and then map the domain for my literary journal class last week in under 15 minutes. I can’t be sure, but I probably wouldn’t have even bothered talking my group into hosting our own site if we hadn’t just learned how to do it and I didn’t already have firsthand experience with the frustration and freedom of being in complete control of your space. And then today one of my group members was trying to figure out how to get a favicon for our site and all I had to do was send him Sarah’s helpful tutorial. So, not only am I using my ds106 knowledge to help others, you all are too.

And you didn’t even know it!

In other news…Colleen, Andrew and I are working on some pretty great stuff for our radio show, which is a mysterious mystery, so I probably shouldn’t say too much. And I have a basic idea of a final project, but that’s TOP SECRET, so hopefully I have a pretty good handle on the rest of the semester. Staying on top of things in this class will surely make up for the classes I don’t do any work in at all. Right?

That’s how school works, right? You kill yourself doing work for the extra-curricular you get no credit for, your remaining energy is spent working in classes you enjoy and then you phone it in for the others and just pray you graduate? How many years have I been in school and, more importantly, how am I still doing it wrong?

It’s time for spring break.

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