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My proposal

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Well, first off, I’d like to say that I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve posted (but it was really just last week), but I assure you that I have not fallen off the face of the earth, I’ve just been really busy with midterms.

Secondly, I’d like to introduce my idea for my ongoing project. I met with Professor Groom earlier this week (so he is proof that I have not fallen off the face of the earth), and we talked about what I had in mind for my project. My proposal is that I will be doing an ongoing project about planning a wedding. So you see, now I’m getting really creative because my proposal is about my proposal. What I’m going to do is post at least once a week about new ideas and items I’ve come across for my wedding (which won’t take place for about another year and a half or so, but it’s a lot of work to plan a wedding, so why not start now?). My plan is to hopefully have a new category each week, for example, one week could be about colors I like, the next may be about cakes I’ve found, the next week about dress styles, the next week about locations, etc. Now that is what I’m HOPING to do. However, some weeks may not focus on one specific thing, but could just be randomness, for example, maybe I found an invitation design I like and a new color scheme and another dress. Either way, like I said, I’ll be posting something at least once a week. I’m really excited for this project and I think all the other girls will be to because girls love weddings. And you know what, I think deep down guys like this stuff, too. But anyways, that is what I’m proposing for my ongoing project and I hope everyone, guys and girls, will enjoy my posts about it. I’m hoping by the end of this project, those of you who have followed my posts regularly will be able to envision what it’s going to be like.

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