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Radio Business Aint Easy

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So after finally completing our 30 minute radio project I have definitely learned a few things. Interviewing is hard work, I always take it for granted how easily entertained I am by interviews, maybe it just helps to have some celebrities. I mean if it was anyone else on those late night shows jabbering about some small rich person problem I don’t think the audience would stay for long. In retrospective listening to a bunch of students bitch about parking may not be every ones cup of tea and certainly doesn’t target a huge audience. Our station was in need of some serious zip and probably some pep as well. Listening to other stations I feel that we didn’t take full advantage of  the sound effects at our disposal. We also may have taken our journalistic approach a little too seriously, other stations were more entertaining not because they’re topics were better but because they had  more humor, which I think is essential in holding any listeners attention.

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