_cpzh4: Use the Twister tool from ClassTools (http://classtools.net/twister/) to generate a series of images representing the voices of past figures if they could express themselves in twitter. Notch it up, and recast a historical event with a new plot line, and notch it up again, but making it a back and forth between two figures (use @person!) – my example is not developed as a fanfic, but should give you an idea of what to do (okay, okay, I will do a real assignment, sigh)., _cre1l: Fanfic, _d415a: http://cogdogblog.com/2011/03/17/phake-tweets/, _d5fpr: CogDog, _clrrx: 99, _cyevm: FanficAssignments99, _cztg3: FanficAssignments, _d180g: 500
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