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Radio show reactions

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Ashley Buske group:
When I first started listening to these I thought it was going to be kinda tough to listen to a whole thirty minute radio show, because I normally don’t like the radio that much. But with this one I really liked all the different voices, the use of music, and the commercials. All the voices were really good, as well as the characters behind them. Instead of doing thirty minutes of talking, the use of music was a good change of pace.

Valerie’s group:
Well I really don’t like a radio show that just talks about all the things wrong with our school. I believe that if you go to a school you should learn to accept the bad things about it and talk more about all the good things about your school. But as a radio show I thought it was pretty well done and I liked some of the interviews that Valerie did. None of the interviewees held anything back and loved to swear haha, which I think for a college radio show is appropriate and the way college kids like to talk.

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