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Life Discovered on Mars

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Here is my contribution to the web storytelling segment of ds106. The assignment was to modify a real, recognizable web page to tell a story; for mine I modified a special report the BBC did on the history of Mars exploration. In this re-imagined reality, however, advanced life was discovered. Here is the HTML version of the project. Alternatively, below is a screenshot of the page.

The process of creating it was fairly straightforward. Thankfully, I did not run into some of the horror stories I’ve been hearing about people losing hours of work due to a simple mis-click. My approach was to eschew firebug altogether. Instead, I just modified the page in a text editor, using its search feature to locate the particular headlines that I wanted to change. It’s not nearly as slick or intuitive as using firebug, but the advantage was that I could save my work as I went along.

Finally, here is the original page, and here is a screenshot of it.

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