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NASA Web Story

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Here is my web story.  Click it to make the larger size.  It is the NASA website’s story about the super moon.  I changed it to make it so that the super moon is actually ending the world with various natural disasters and changes.  Here are some step by step things I did.

1. Initially, I worked with PolitiFact, but I found this website difficult due to the advertisements.  The ads were bleeding into the rest of the page, and I could not get into the script? to delete the rotating ads.

2. I picked NASA website and started by changing all the right side links.  I made them various events that would occur if the world was ending due to a super moon.  I also created the left side links to find family members, a message from Obama, etc. This was all very easy.  Then, I worked on the actual story, which I first wrote in Word and then copied into the HTML editing part of firebug.  Editing the text was not difficult.

3. The harder part was pictures and videos.  I wanted to change the picture on the right side of the page from Dr. Garvin to an actual super moon.  I found the picture and uploaded it on Flickr, but the link was not working when I would paste it over the Dr. Garvin picture link.  After awhile, I realized that you need to go to “share this” above the Flickr picture.  Then, go down to “Grab the HTML code.”  This is what you paste into firebug.  This makes more sense since it is a .jpg, which is what the original Dr. Garvin picture was.

3. As for videos, the same thing was possible, although on the jpg version here, you cannot actually watch the video.  You just click embed in Youtube and pick size/color/other options.  This gets pasted into the HTML code where you want it.

4. Something else I found that was useful is to use breaks.  You cannot just enter down in the HTML code and expect it to have a space on the page.  You must use <br><br> on the NASA page to get this space.

5. I saved my code all along in TextEdit.  This is because Text Wrangler would not upload on my computer since I have an older version of Mac.  This was fine throughout the project until the end.  After taking a screen grab shot using Screengrab, I wanted to make a subdomain where my page can be.  I went to c-panel of my website and created a subdomain called NASA.  I then went into the NASA folder and uploaded a php, html and text file of the code.  I adjusted some of the preferences in TextEdit thanks to this tutorial, but it still didn’t work.  I thought that for sure one of these types of files would work to show my page on the subdomain.  However, none did.  With a php file, the page just shows up as blocks of text, not in the clean page format of NASA.  I kept working on this though and tried to put in the base ref tag that we were told about.

6. Then, in class tonight, Jim was helping me to look at the code to see why it wasn’t working.  I tried downloading an older verision of Text Wrangler, but still the html file was showing up just as text and not with all the background colors and style stuff.  I have sent the file to Jim and he is working to figure out what is wrong.  Perhaps, NASA has a way of not allowing people to reproduce their page for safety?  I will update with that once it is working.

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