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Pshhh. Radio show- schmadio show.

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I was going through recents posts for DS106 and realized that I never posted my radio show review! Damn me and my forgetful mind. Better late than never, right?… Right? Oh well.

b boy evolution

The Process:
Overall- I really enjoyed this assignment. In the beginning I wanted to burn it at the stake because timing with my partners and I couldn’t have possibly been worse even if we lived on different planets, but things improved.

Much of our show was done and put together separately. We ended up having to meet after I got off work one night at 11 something to put our brains together to get the final idea. We each decided on what segments we wanted to do and went our separate ways. Then on Friday, Mike and Molly posted their segments on their blog so I could download them and mash them all together.

The finalization of the project should have been relatively simply, but Audacity decided to be a huge pain in the ass. I would get about 10-12 minutes of show all fixed exactly how I wanted it, add another segment to play with and as soon as I would attempt playback it would crash. After half an hour trying to figure out how to fix it- I eventually ended up editing in three different projects. I did about ten minutes in each window, exported them as mp3′s, then opened them in the final window and overlapped them blindly without being able to do playback to make sure I didn’t screw anything up.

After exporting the final product, I gave it a listen to make sure it flowed well and posted it for review by my partners. Looking back I can see a couple things that I would go back and fix, but I can’t. I really like how it ended up sounding though. Pretty good if I do say so myself, especially with all the difficulty we had and I being a radio novice.

The Listening:
We were asked to tune in that weekend to listen to at least two radio shows- which seems an easy task, but when you work most of the weekend it gets really hard to tune in. I did end up listening to a couple shows, but I would have liked to listen to a lot more.

Two of my favorites were From the Vault and Decades Radio.

From the Vault was awesome because it was nothing but commercials for the whole thirty minutes, which doesn’t seem that far from a real radio show lately. Usually I change the channel when the station gets to a commercial break, and continue the process until I cycle back to the original station. This show was different though- the commercials were really entertaining and kept me hooked the whole time. Great job guys.

Decades Radio was a lot of fun to listen to also. The amount of information and media they crammed into each decade was amazing. I really liked listening to the decades I can remember myself and having my own memories come back. It was definitely a unique experience for each listener.

Overall- I think everyone did a really great job. For being complete radio newbies, not bad work. DS106 rules again.

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