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Web Story and More

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I decided to mess with the site that’s always on my desktop: Facebook.  Here’s the before:

Facebook (before altering)

Names and pictures are blurred to protect identities

I didn’t make huge changes except in two or three places.  I tried to be as subtle as possible.  Let’s see if you can find all the changes!

Facebook (after altering)

Names and pictures are blurred to protect identities

The inspiration for these edits came from the growing popularity of bands using Facebook and Twitter to communicate in near-real time with their fans.  Particularly those bands which formed in the last 30 or so years have been very active in updating the status of their tour or new album (or sometimes just fun facts about their daily lives) through social networking sites.  And sites like Facebook and Twitter allow for the fans to be a part of the band’s story.  They can comment on shows, discuss songs, and even get feedback from the band (if they’re lucky!).  My web story shows fans getting excited for a tour which is just getting started for a fake band (named after myself, of course).  This was a really fun exercise–not my favorite so far, but definitely the most challenging one in terms of being creative.  I really had to flex the right side of my brain for this!

In other news, I’ve added a Flickr sidebar widget.  You can find this WordPress plugin here.

I’ve got the first page of my Golem comic sketched out, so it should be finished by the end of the week, as planned.  It’s nice to be on schedule!

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