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Copyright Law History in 10 Pages

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This entry has little to nothing to do with this class. However I like marking mile stones and some of you might be interested in what I’ve been doing this weekend. That I can’t seem to connect to UMW Blogs, so this will just have to do.
It may have taken two weeks of procrastination and two days of sporadic writing, but by tonight at 11pm I will have written a very brief synopsis of the last 300 years of copyright history. I was ambivalent at the beginning of the project largely because I didn’t want to retread history, I wanted to focus on the present, but now that I’m nearly done I’m kind of glad I did it this way. This paper has also reaffirmed over and over again my passion for copyright law and that this whole law school thing is a good idea. This entry has to be short because I have to get back to work, but I just want to say that I’m almost glad Prof. Fickett was so narrow minded about my idea. I have an excellent foundation for when I start taking classes in copyright and intellectual property and can give very bad advice to any friends who might have questions about current copyright practices. I still wish I could have written a magnum opus on the Kinks, but this will do very nicely.

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