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Widget on Only One Page

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I have been working on small things on the wedding website for my final project. One section of the website is for guests to know which hotels to stay at in the area. Although I am providing the recommended hotels in the page, I wanted to have a widget that people can search for other options. I wanted a widget that gave the cheapest options as well. However, I did not want it to be on every page side, just the hotel page.

This information can be useful to others who just want a widget on one page.

1. Download the widget you want. For me it was Hotels Combined Search Widget. Activate it.
2. Then search widget context and download that. This allows you to select which page you want a widget to be on.
3. Then, move the hotels widget to the widget area and change all of the options for it to whatever you want (Pick a color!).
4. Finally, click “show on selected.” Then, check off “single page.” Then copy the URL for the page you want it go on and add that in. Click save and it will look like this:

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