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“You are at the heart of a formitable command center….”

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“You have been chosen to lead the Resistance. As the core brain of your war machines systems you are at the heart of a formitable command center that is equipped with vast powers and extensive weaponry.”

I was actually quite surprised in that I actually enjoyed this project quite a bit. Quite a while ago I changed the color scheme of my Youtube channel page to look like this. The idea was that I would try to emulate the interface presented in the game “Urban Assault” (which by the way is one of the greatest computer games ever made and is unfortunately abandonedware at this point). For this project i decided that I would take this idea further and force the channel page into the universe of Urban Assault, turning it into some sort of communication system and archive for the Synaptic Donor Unit, while still being recognizable as a Youtube page.

Take a look at the opening:

If anyone happens to have played “Urban Assault” then there are plenty of little in-jokes here.

The entire piece was edited in paint which was not terribly difficult though it took a very long time. All of the images come from the game, particularly the help file. The same is true of the typeface (Dungeon) and the various small symbols which come from the in-game interface.

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