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mashup project – update

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Travis and I will be working on the mashup project assignment.  We decided early on to go with a movie and create an alternate trailer that goes 180 with the original context of the movie.  After a few more days of throwing ideas back and forth on what type and movie to use we decided that it would probably be more effective to focus on a specific character in a movie.  We have decided to go with Alan (played by Zach Galifianakis) from The Hangover.  We will have to disect his character in the film and select certain scenes that will present him in the form of a new character in the mashup; obviously it will be a character completely different from what the one he actually portrays in the film.  We have found a good source for a collection of clips so from this point it should be pretty stratightforward in organizing the selected clips and editing into a final product with TBD music.

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