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Progress for elmashup

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Okay, so I might as well start off by being honest and tell you that before this assignment, I didn’t even know what a mash-up was. Once I figured it out, I felt like it wouldn’t be too hard given the fact that we just did the video commentary assignment. Because of that assignment, I feel like I can work imovie very well now. So I was actually excited to do this assignment. However, I have been struggling the past couple of days over what to choose. I think I originally decided that I wanted to do video, but I just didn’t know what video and what sounds I wanted to mashup. Then, today, I finally decided what to use and I’m not going to tell you in this post because I want it to be a surprise but, since I’ve already said it, I’ll at least tell you that it is a video mashup.

Since I previously didn’t know what a mashup was, I have to say that I haven’t really seen many on the internet, but I can show you what I like about some of the ones that were embedded in the assignment post. The first one I like is this one:

Louis & Marie Meet B.I.G. from Lindsay Walker on Vimeo.

I loved this one, first, because it made me laugh so hard when he starts singing and they start pouring the drinks. And that actually brings me to the next reason I like it, because the timing of the video and audio match so well. Its telling the story very well with the picture and dialogue and it definitely meets the requirement of changing the meaning of the original. Love it!

And my next favorite one is this one:

I love this one because I used to love the power rangers and I used to watch this movie all the time. This one brought back some good memories. Well done!

And hopefully, if I come across more awesome mashups before the semester ends, I’ll be able to add those to this post.

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