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Heather’s Intentions/ Fatal Attractions

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Yesterday, I worked all afternoon on my mash up and had absolutely nothing to show for it. I really had my mind set on doing an audio mash up because I failed at this during the audio radio section of the class. I thought that with more time, I could master a song mash up. However, this proved very difficult. All the songs, I wanted either didn’t have an a cappella version done by the artist or didn’t have an instrumental version without words. I was basically left with just a few songs to pick from, none of which sounded good together. I watched some tutorials about how to remove instruments from the words, but I don’t think audacity has that capability. As well, I had a difficult time downloading from Youtube some of the stuff I needed. My idea was to mash up a country song/pop song with a latino rhythm. I want to keep trying this weekend because I think the end result would be cool if I could figure it out.

So here is the mash up I did this morning instead. It is the Heather’s movie mashed up trailer with Cruel Intentions. I originally wanted to do the Heather’s and Mean Girls, but Mean Girls wouldn’t download. It took me awhile to put this together because matching words to what is going on was difficult. I’m amazed at some of the other mash ups I have seen now on the web.

Here are two of my favorite mash ups that I saw while doing some research for my own.

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