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Bridesmaids Dresses

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Now it is time to discuss bridesmaids dresses. I have been going back and forth about what to do for this. Obviously, they will be red like they are in this picture:

This picture is one I’ve previously shown and can be found here.

So, I’ve got the color chosen, but what I’m stuck on is this: Notice how all of the bridesmaids in the photo have the same color dress on but they are all different styles. I’m debating on choosing one dress style and having all the girls wear it, or getting different style dresses in the same color that would be complementary to each individual. I guess there are pros and cons to going each way. If I choose to have them all in the same dress, it makes my life easier because I only have to choose one dress. However, it is important to me that the girls feel comfortable and beautiful, and let’s just face it, not everyone looks or feels good in the same dress. If I choose to have them all in different dresses, then its going to be harder on me to find a dress for everyone. I guess my option would be to tell them the color and let them pick out their own dress, but it’s my wedding and I want to have some say in it. What if I give them that freedom and they choose something I absolutely do not like? See, that’s what would be so hard about it is because going this route would mean I have to find a dress for each girl that she and I both like. On the upside though, it would give the girls that sense of comfort and beauty that I want them to have. So I’m really torn about this right now. Maybe when it gets closer to time I can judge how busy and stressed I’ll be with everything. If I don’t have the time to pick out individual dresses, I won’t. If I do have time then I’ll make it happen. I guess we shall see….

I would like to show you some bridesmaids dress styles that I like and of course they won’t all be in red, but try to vision what they would look like red:

I found this one here. I like how the top folds over and how the bottom is not all one length. It just looks like a cute, comfy dress.

I found this one here. What i love about this one is how elegant it looks. I also like how the top of the dress has a bit of character to it because it doesn’t just go straight across.

I found this one here. I like this one because it is so flowy (if that is even a word) at the bottom.

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