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The End of an Era or My Mashup

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I have a lot to say about being a WMWC DJ. Most of it’s very positive. But that’s for another entry, probably next week. This entry is about the mashup I created for the assignment that will also be featured on my last radio show ever next week. My idea was that I would string together 15 second (or so) snippets of a variety of songs from artists who I a) played only one song of theirs, but I played it frequently, b) played often but not as frequently as others or c) played one song just once but who’s style covers a range of similar artists who I played one song by once or twice. The mashup-ed artists and songs are as follows:

  1. The Asteroids Galaxy Tour – Golden Age
  2. The Ting Tings – Great DJ
  3. Adam Ant – Goody Two Shoes
  4. The Rumble Strips – Not the Only Person
  5. Spoon – The Underdog
  6. Guillemots – Trains to Brazil
  7. Mystery Jets – Young Love
  8. BPA – Seattle
  9. Music Go Music – Light of Love
  10. The White Rabbits – Navy Wives
  11. Eliza Doolittle – Pick Up
  12. The Submarines – You, Me and The Bourgeoisie
  13. Feist – 1234

Obviously if I had unlimited time I would have included more songs, but I think the 13 songs I chose are a pretty good summary of all those outliers I’ve included in my radio show over the past 3 and a half years. And of course I know you want to hear it, so here it is in all its glory.
Elmashup by cydwarning30

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