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Advice to the future ds106ers

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Here’s my thing: if you want to learn new creative processes that can be useful to you in the future, this is the class for you. If you are taking this as a bullshitting class to take, do not take this class. This class makes you work like dogs to be creative and it is time intensive. Like what Rosemary Jesionowski says to me all the time, “art takes time.” And I feel that what we are producing in this class is some form of art.
Here is why: there are a lot of programs that the class shows you but does not really go indepth to how to really use it. So it takes time to figure out how to use the program and make a good damn project out of it. Trust me, it takes time to figure out some of those programs. But the advantage is, you know now how to use that program! I really did enjoy the photo projects, and the group project. I think I enjoyed the dailyshoots because I like doing photography. And I enjoyed the group project because I liked my group members, they really took the stress off of group projects. Lastly, there is too many materials to go over in this class to fit into one semester. Also, Jim Groom poops out projects left and right without giving us enough time to complete a project, which makes the task a lot harder to grasp and accomplish the projects to our UMW high standards. I think that’s really I can say about this class. I only remember my favorite projects because it was the only project stuck in my brain. That is all future DS106ers. Good luck!


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