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Dear person who will consider this class

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Dear person who will consider taking DS106,

I have a few words of wisdom for you. First of, don’t be afraid to take a class simply because the discipline is computer science. Check out ratemyprofessor and understand that sometimes their information is unreliable and that CPSC 106 is worth taking a risk. Second of all and most importantly, don’t not take this class because you’re afraid of the amount of work that you’ll have to do, take it because in the process you’ll learn more about yourself, your strengths and your creativity flow.

Things that you’ll appreciate in the future (I think) but take for granted now (and will probably complain about):
1. You get to create your own domain and learn about how they’re set up with hosts through a cloud.
2. Doing mash ups is a lot of work – you’ll learn to appreciate more the work that goes into making remixes and such.
3. You learn at least the basics of creating a video.
4. You won’t be looking at code.
5. You will witness and learn about different types of communication.

If you haven’t been convinced yet, check out this post by the amazing Jim Groom, #jimgroomstudentproblems which tells the tale of a twitter hashtag that me and a friend created one day to express the highs and lows and the in betweens of digital storytelling.

“So what if I take the class and am annoyed at some of the aspects?”
I think this is the one class where your input matters the most. The class is not only for students to learn but also for students to voice their thoughts on what can be improved and on what they want to achieve. Even though I took the online class, I’ve felt like part of the community as much as any other classmate who has been in the face to face class.

I hope I convinced you to take this amazing course!!!
Ivania, the girl who hates pants.

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