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Getting my reflection on

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I sat for a minute trying to gather my thoughts on how DS106 met/challenged my expectations, but honestly I didn’t have any concrete expectations for the class. I knew that I would be using my computer but besides that I didn’t really know what to expect. Honestly, we covered a lot more ground in this class than I ever would have expected. After coming to the first couple classes, I thought we would continue down a path of doing what to me felt like empty, trivial work – (making a gif, flickr stories, etc). But later in the semester as we got more knowledgeable we really did learns lots of different techniques, from sound and video to html. Pretty interesting.

I’m definitely the most proud of my final project in this class. I put a lot of hours into making the track that I did and I feel like it was the most productive assignment that I did the entire semester. While I will and have quickly forgotten about many of the little stories or assignments that I did early in the semester, I’m gonna have the product and experience of this final project for a really long time. I’m glad that I was able to find something to do that I found to engaging and fun, it really made all the difference in the world. It made it entertaining rather than a chore. There isn’t too much I would change, though given the option of doing the radioshow again, I might choose to do something less topic-based like our group did and do something more abstract and sound experimental instead.

One of the biggest things I’ll take away from this class is the idea that a lot of the things we might have wanted to do in this digital world – that we would have never considered ourselves able to do – were quite possible. Furthermore, often it was quite easy with the well of resources that the internet offers. Hopefully none of those JTC Radio solar flares will come and knock it out, cause I look forward to utilizing it more in the future.

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