Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. cgumw

    Getting my reflection on

    I sat for a minute trying to gather my thoughts on how DS106 met/challenged my expectations, but honestly I didn’t have any concrete expectations for the class. I knew that I would be using my computer but besides that I didn’t really know what to expect. Honestly, we covered a lot more ground in this ...
  2. cgumw

    The Lost Blog Post

    Martha pointed out on Thursday that somehow when my blog was having problems at the start of the semester one of my oldest posts (the web20assignment) did not actually get posted (Instead it was posted to my other wordpress page on umwblogs for a different class… a complete mess I was happy to forget about). ...
  3. cgumw

    VST and Wrapup

    Alrighty guys, happy last week of DS106. For this week I’ll just be wrapping up the explanation of what I did technically for my final project. In the first weeks of the project, I detailed the physical equipment that I used to record but this week I’ll be looking at the virtual equipment that is ...
  4. cgumw

    prospective 106ers

    To those considering taking the DS106 class: If you are going to take this class be prepared to step outside of your technological comfort zone. You won’t just be exploring one type of media, but rather all sorts of faucets for storytelling in this increasingly digital world. So being at least somewhat familiar with the ...
  5. cgumw


    I had a fair amount of difficulty doing this project. I’ve worked with my fair share of audio, but I haven’t ever worked with video before and wasn’t really familiar with how the programs worked. To do my project, I used Windows Live Movie Maker. Boy was that a disappointment of a program. It took ...
  6. cgumw

    Stems stems stems

    So this turned out to be a lot more difficult than I was expecting, and probably would not have chosen audio were I to do this project again. I quickly learned that one of the things that makes a lot of audio mashups possible is the availability of “stems”. If you, like I, had not ...
  7. cgumw

    Mashing Progress Report

    So I decided for the mashup right from the start that I wanted to do something with audio and music. Though as you might from my final project, for those of who have looked at it, I have some experience working with audio editing programs and putting music together, I have never tried to take ...
  8. cgumw

    Familiar But Far

    Well here it is! Went back this week and worked on the electric guitar for the breakdown and added in all the final vocal layers. This extremely time consuming track is starting to sound finished. Over the remaining weeks I’m going to delve more deeply into the VST plugins and effects that I used and ...
  9. cgumw

    Mix it around

    I found the readings on remix and mashup to be quite interesting. In today’s culture its hard to get by without knowing what these two things are, even if you are completely at a loss of how to create one. While I’ve known what a remix was in musically for years, more recently have I ...
  10. cgumw

    Beefing up the Sound

    For this week my goal was to finish up the background of the music. To do this I wanted to add one more guitar, an acoustic one strumming emphasis chords in the places where the choruses and breakdown will be. I was hoping by adding these it would beef it up a bit and add ...
  11. cgumw

    Adding that Bass

    (written 3/29) This week (last week) I started adding more layers to the track. While things were coming together on my side of the project, if you were listening to the track you probably noticed that so far there were some sparse moments. But this is all part of the building process. So since the ...
  12. cgumw

    The Homework Subconscious

    So here is my HTML project. I found the process of altering the html to be pretty straightforward which was nice. I didn’t find myself needing to do anything too complicated to get the point of the story across, so for that I was thankful. What I did is based on the kinds of thought ...
  13. cgumw

    The Beginning of the Big One

    This week we got together and finally cemented what we wanted to do with the drums. We practiced it for a while so that my friend Aaron, who was playing the drums, could figure out what he wanted to do with it. We only had one stereo condenser microphone at our disposal and we didn’t ...
  14. cgumw

    Sixteen years later.

    The picture on the left is me with my then new puppy Libby in 1995. The location on the picture on the left was the house of a family friend who no longer has that house, so I couldnt recreate the place. Libby passed away in 2004 and since then I’ve had Caitey, who turned ...
  15. cgumw

    Final Project Week 1 – Demo

    So after talking with Martha last week about my final project I decided on doing the multi-track recording project idea that I had, pacing myself through the process and detailing what I did each week. So this first week was largely getting organized creatively, technologically, and musically. I got together my drummer friend Aaron and ...
  16. cgumw

    Behind JTC Studios

    When I first heard the details of the Radio Assignment we were being given, I wasn’t very happy. 30 minutes just seemed like way too much time to have to fill, especially with such an open-ended topic  assignment. In the end though, it was the fact that it was so open to doing whatever we ...
  17. cgumw

    Conjecture with regards to the terminal affair.

    Alright so I’ve been getting playing around with various audio ideas trying to get things narrowed down for my final project, and I’m down to just a few ideas. I was sold on the idea that I wanted to work with audio and editing since I really enjoy that outside of class already. Initially I ...
  18. cgumw


    I thought that the Radio book was a pretty interesting read. I found the information which it was able to provide about their process for storytelling, from first finding the stories and weeding out the ones that are great that they want to tell, to creating the final product of that story. As someone who ...
  19. cgumw

    Design Pick 2 – Comic Photo

    This design pick was the one where you use a couple photos to create a something like a comic. Here’s my attempt. I used pictures of my two dogs chasing each other for a tennis ball.First Mina, the lighter dog, has the ball and Caitey, the darker ball, decides to chasing her, then after chasing into the ...
  20. cgumw


    I chose to listen to the episode called “Heretics“. I found the format to have a lot more strengths than I was expecting. Having seen the This American Life show before on Netflix, I felt that the video component really played to the benefit of the storytelling and was a little apprehensive about opening up ...
  21. cgumw

    5 Card Flickr

    Five Card Story: The Magnificent Mint Green Rabbit a Five Card Flickr story created by Clifton flickr photo by Serenae flickr photo by hummingcrow flickr photo by bgblogging flickr photo by Serenae flickr photo by krutscjo One fine spring morning, a young man named Ryan woke up to find that there was a new and ...
  22. cgumw

    Storytelling and safety

    From this article, I learned that the act of anonymously telling stories about near-miss incidents in the field has worked to try to make safer situations for firefighters. Storytelling is an effective way of information; we take a lot from it. In the case of these firefighters, they are giving information about their experience, which ...
  23. cgumw

    I guess I shouldn’t drive in the snow

    (written 1/26) Today when I was driving home from campus around 5pm, the weather had started to come. The temperature was only barely under freezing so it was a very wet and icy precipitation. Needless to say it made the roads very slippery. I was driving carefully on the commute home, but apparently there was ...

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